
Gleiss Lutz advises Sopra Steria SE on the acquisition of it-economics

Cate­gory: Deals
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17. May 2018

Hamburg - Sopra Steria SE in Hamburg acqui­res all shares in it-econo­­­mics GmbH, Munich. The acqui­si­tion is subject to the usual closing condi­ti­ons and in parti­cu­lar still requi­res the appr­oval of the German Fede­ral Cartel Office. Both parties have agreed not to disc­lose details of the transaction.

Sopra Steria is a leading Euro­pean provi­der for digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion. With 42,000 employees in over 20 count­ries, Sopra Steria gene­ra­ted reve­nues of €3.8 billion in 2017. The Group parent company Sopra Steria Group S.A. is listed on Euron­ext Paris.

it-econo­­­mics specia­li­zes in digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion, agile deve­lo­p­ment and coaching, cloud services, and the manage­ment of complex large-scale IT projects. The company was foun­ded in 2003 and achie­ved an esti­ma­ted turno­ver of 20 million euros in 2017.

Advi­sor to Sopra Steria: Gleiss Lutz
Dr. Corne­lius Götze (Part­ner, Lead), Dr. Chris­tina Aye (Coun­sel), Maxi­mi­lian Hirsch (all Corporate/M&A), Dr. Birgit Colbus (Coun­sel), Sergej Bräuer (both Anti­trust), Konrad Discher (Real Estate, all Frank­furt), Dr. Bene­dikt Burger (IP/IT, Düsseldorf).

A Gleiss Lutz team led by part­ner Dr. Corne­lius Götze had previously advi­sed Sopra Steria SE on the recently comple­ted acqui­si­tion of Blue­ca­rat AG, Colo­gne. Toge­ther with Dr. Thomas Winzer (Part­ner) and Dr. Tobias Abend (both Labor Law, both Frank­furt), he also advi­sed the company on its change of legal form to a Socie­tas Euro­paea (SE), which was comple­ted in spring 2018.

All of the above projects were mana­ged in-house by Dr. Ingo Marfor­ding, Head of Legal, Compli­ance & Corpo­rate at Sopra Steria SE.

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