
FSN Capital acquires majority stake in Rameder Group

Cate­gory: Private Equity
17. Decem­ber 2018

Munich — FSN Capi­tal V (“FSN”) acqui­res the majo­rity shares in the Rame­der Group. A corre­spon­ding purchase agree­ment was signed with the previous share­hol­ders. Rame­der has been active since 1996 and, with 200 employees, is one of the leading B2B and B2C dealers in the areas of trai­ler hitches, bicy­cle racks and roof boxes in Europe. The two mana­ging direc­tors Dirk Schö­ler and Stefan Bertels­ho­fer remain share­hol­ders in the Rame­der Group as part of a reverse shareholding.

FSN is one of the leading private equity inves­tors in Scan­di­na­via with a focus on medium-sized compa­nies. In addi­tion to offices in Oslo, Stock­holm and Copen­ha­gen, FSN has had an office in Munich since spring 2018. The acqui­si­tion of a majo­rity stake in Rame­der is FSN’s first tran­sac­tion in Germany.

Advi­sor FSN Capi­tal: Henge­ler Muel­ler provi­ded compre­hen­sive advice to FSN on the transaction.
The part­ners Dr. Daniel Wiegand (lead), Dr. Daniel Möritz (both Corporate/M&A, Munich), Daniela Böning (Finan­cing), Hendrik Bocken­hei­mer (Labor Law) (both Frank­furt) and Dr. Thors­ten Mäger (Anti­trust, Düssel­dorf), Coun­sel Dr. Gunther Wagner (Tax, Munich) as well as asso­cia­tes Dr. Achim Speng­ler, Dr. Vero­nika Wimmer, Dr. Sebas­tian Siller, Dr. Johan­nes Baumann (all Corporate/M&A, Munich), Till Hiemenz-Muel­­ler, Fran­ziska Dechamps (both Finan­cing, Frank­furt), Dr. Marius Mayer (Frank­furt), Vicki Treib­mann (Düssel­dorf) (both Labor Law), Dr. Anja Balitzki, Laura Delgado Pazos (both Anti­trust, Düssel­dorf), Dr. Matthias Roth­kopf (Intellec­tual Property/IT) and Dr. Norman Koschmie­der (Public Commer­cial Law) (both Düsseldorf).

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