
Paris/ Frank­furt a. M. — Montagu, a leading Euro­pean private equity firm, is plea­sed to announce that it has agreed to sell Main­care, a provi­der of soft­ware for French public hospi­tals and health autho­ri­ties, to Doca­poste, the digi­tal arm of the French Post Office. — The tran­sac­tion is still subject to appr­oval by the French compe­ti­tion authority.

Main­care offers a compre­hen­sive range of hospi­tal infor­ma­tion systems in France, where it is a leader in elec­tro­nic health records and solu­ti­ons for hospi­tal manage­ment, inter­ope­ra­bi­lity and tele­me­di­cine. With its inte­gra­ted soft­ware suite, the company helps public hospi­tals, payers and insu­r­ers imple­ment successful digi­tal stra­te­gies for the bene­fit of patients.

Since acqui­ring Main­care in 2018, Montagu has worked with the company to respond to the rapidly chan­ging needs of poli­cy­ma­kers and hospi­tals, parti­cu­larly in the wake of the Covid 19 pande­mic. Signi­fi­cant invest­ment in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment led to the deve­lo­p­ment of a new gene­ra­tion of elec­tro­nic health records and the moder­niza­tion of Maincare’s tech­no­logy to ensure that its products are inter­ope­ra­ble, SaaS-enab­led and at the fore­front of inno­va­tion in cybersecurity.

Under Montagu’s leader­ship, Maincare’s busi­nesses acqui­red in the past were brought toge­ther orga­niza­tio­nally and tech­no­lo­gi­cally to deve­lop a common vision and stra­tegy for the company and drive effi­ci­en­cies. Led by a strong and unified manage­ment team, the chan­ges helped create a custo­mer-centric culture that puts the needs of medi­cal staff and pati­ents at the center of the organization.

Guil­laume Jaba­lot, Part­ner at Montagu: “Main­care is an excel­lent exam­ple of Montagu’s stra­tegy to part­ner with leading compa­nies that offer important products and services. We are proud of the success that Main­care has achie­ved, and we are confi­dent that the company will conti­nue to thrive under Docaposte’s leadership.”

Fran­çois-Xavier Floren, CEO of Main­care, commen­ted, “Part­ne­ring with Doca­poste will allow us to address one of the biggest chal­lenges in our market — the importance of provi­ding custo­mers with long-term support from a trus­ted part­ner present in soft­ware, hosting and services. Over the past two years, with Montagu’s support, we have successfully imple­men­ted a trans­for­ma­tion plan aimed at impro­ving one of the persis­tent chal­lenges of the French hospi­tal system by giving time back to care­gi­vers.” The manage­ment team and all Main­care employees are confi­dent that the part­ner­ship with Doca­poste will bring further signi­fi­cant value to our custo­mers and the market.”


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