
Paris/ London/ Berlin — Eura­zeo announ­ced the final closing of its third growth equity fund at €1.6 billion. Of this amount, 320 million euros came from the balance sheet of the Eura­zeo Group and 200 million euros from private inves­tors. In total, the Group mana­ges just under 23 billion euros.

The stra­tegy was laun­ched in 2014 and is focu­sed on tech­no­logy compa­nies in soft­ware as a service, digi­tal health, cyber­se­cu­rity, infra­struc­ture soft­ware, fintech and online market­places. Eura­zeo Growth invests tickets from €25–100 million and above from Series C. In France, 24 of the “Next 40” compa­nies are part of Eurazeo’s Growth port­fo­lio, inclu­ding unicorns Back­mar­ket, Contents­quare, Docto­lib, Mano­Mano and Vesti­aire Collective.

In addi­tion, the 15-member team is repre­sen­ted in London by Natha­lie Korn­hoff-Brüls, a German, and in Berlin by Zoé Fabian, who was recently named Inves­tor of the Year by the German Start­ups Asso­cia­tion. In Germany, Eura­zeo Growth is curr­ently inves­ted in PPRO, the largest infra­struc­ture provi­der for cross-border alter­na­tive payment methods, and in insur­tech wefox. In Febru­ary, Berlin-based adtech startup Adjust, in which Eura­zeo Growth also had a stake, was sold to Applo­vin for just under $1 billion.


Eura­zeo is a leading global invest­ment group, with a diver­si­fied port­fo­lio of €22.7 billion in assets under manage­ment, inclu­ding €16 billion from third parties, inves­ted across 450 compa­nies. With its considera­ble private equity, private debt, real estate and infra­struc­ture exper­tise, Eura­zeo accom­pa­nies compa­nies of all sizes, support­ing their deve­lo­p­ment through the commit­ment of its nearly 300 profes­sio­nals and offe­ring in-depth sector exper­tise, a gate­way to global markets, and a respon­si­ble and stable foot­hold for trans­for­ma­tio­nal growth. Its solid insti­tu­tio­nal and family share­hol­der base, robust finan­cial struc­ture free of struc­tu­ral debt, and flexi­ble invest­ment hori­zon enable Eura­zeo to support its compa­nies over the long term. Eura­zeo Growth III is mana­ged by Eura­zeo Invest­ment Manager.
Eura­zeo has offices in Paris, New York, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Shang­hai, Singa­pore, London, Luxem­bourg, Frank­furt, Berlin and Madrid. Eura­zeo is listed on Euron­ext Paris.

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