
EnBW New Ventures invests 10 million euros in Clerverciti Systems

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
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14. Febru­ary 2018

Munich — Munich-based parking sensor provi­der Cler­ver­citi Systems has found a second inves­tor in EnBW New Ventures. The venture capi­tal subsi­diary of the Baden-Würt­­te­m­­berg-based energy giant is inves­t­ing ten million euros in the start-up, which wants to take the plunge into the Ameri­can market. The group of inves­tors in Clever­citi Systems alre­ady includes the Belgian invest­ment company SPDG.

Clever­citi Systems has been produ­cing systems for energy-saving parking manage­ment since 2012. Free parking spaces are displayed to the minute by means of perma­nently instal­led sensors. In 2016, the company was able to win the Belgian inves­tor SPDG. With EnBW New Ventures, the company is now aiming to market its digi­tal tech­no­logy internationally.

For some time now, EnBW New Ventures has been making targe­ted invest­ments in young compa­nies that repre­sent the digi­ta­li­zed energy world of the future. The port­fo­lio includes, for exam­ple, Theva, a Bava­rian equip­ment manu­fac­tu­rer, and Lumen­aza, a Berlin-based soft­ware company foun­ded in 2013 that offers solu­ti­ons for regio­nal power supply.

Advi­sor EnBW: Weit­nauer (Munich)
Dr. Wolf­gang Weit­nauer (Corporate/M&A)
Inhouse Legal: Martin Düker (Gene­ral Counsel)

Advi­sors to Clever­citi Systems: Baker & McKen­zie (Munich)
Dr. Michael Barto­sch (Lead), Bert­hold Hummel (both Corporate/M&A), Dr. Lothar Deter­mann (IP Law; San Fran­cisco); Asso­cia­tes: Dr. Tino Marz, Hanna Lütkens (both Corpo­rate), Fabian Bött­ger (Munich), Dr. Markus Hecht (both IP Law; Frankfurt)
GKK Part­ners (Munich)
Hermann Krämer (auditor/tax consul­tant) — known from the market

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