
DYWIDAG-Systems International acquires PARTEC System in Poland

Cate­gory: Deals
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10. July 2019

Luxem­bourg / Gajków (Poland) — Dywi­­dag-Systems Inter­na­tio­nal (“DYWIDAG”), a port­fo­lio company of Triton Fund III, has announ­ced the acqui­si­tion of PARTEC System (“PARTEC”). PARTEC was foun­ded 20 years ago by Krzy­sz­tof Kotarba as a specia­li­zed manu­fac­tu­rer and distri­bu­tor of perma­nent form­work and hydro­in­su­la­tion systems for the cons­truc­tion sector. The company is based in Gajków near Wroclaw and opera­tes throug­hout Europe. This acqui­si­tion is an important step in DYWIDAG’s expan­sion to meet the needs of the Euro­pean market.

The speed and relia­bi­lity of PARTEC, combi­ned with DYWIDAG’s distri­bu­tion chan­nels, is expec­ted to gene­rate signi­fi­cant growth and product deve­lo­p­ment within the Group. Krzy­s­tof Kotarba said, “It is clear that DYWIDAG’s values and vision reflect my values and those of the PARTEC orga­niza­tion. These shared prin­ci­ples and DYWIDAG’s ambi­tion provide PARTEC with an exci­ting oppor­tu­nity to conti­nue to grow and become an inte­gral part of future busi­ness success.”

Ian Jarvis, Presi­dent of Concrete Access­ories DYWIDAG, said, “We are plea­sed to welcome the PARTEC team to DYWIDAG. This is an important mile­stone for our Concrete Access­ories busi­ness, which we intend to further expand in the area, and to build a strong presence in the Polish market. This provi­des us with grea­ter oppor­tu­ni­ties for the emer­ging markets in Eastern Europe. ”
Matti Kuiva­lai­nen, CEO of DYWIDAG, said: “Stra­te­gi­cally, we see many oppor­tu­ni­ties in Europe. I am very plea­sed that PARTEC has become part of the DYWIDAG family. The acqui­si­tion of PARTEC streng­thens the busi­ness area and our posi­tion in specialty buil­ding materials. ”

About Triton
Since its foun­ding in 1997, Triton has laun­ched nine funds and focu­sed on compa­nies in the indus­trial, services, consu­mer goods and health­care sectors. The Triton funds invest in medium-sized compa­nies based in Europe and support their posi­tive deve­lo­p­ment. Triton’s goal is to successfully deve­lop its port­fo­lio compa­nies in the long term by working toge­ther as part­ners. Triton and its manage­ment strive to gene­rate posi­tive change and growth through the sustainable impro­ve­ment of opera­tio­nal proces­ses and structures.Currently, Triton’s port­fo­lio includes 38 compa­nies with total sales of around 14.9, billion euros and appro­xi­m­ately 73,000 employees.

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