
Zurich/ Munich — IMPAG Group, an inter­na­tio­nally reco­gni­zed chemi­cal distri­bu­tion company, announ­ces that it has comple­ted a change in its inves­tor struc­ture as part of its stra­te­gic deve­lo­p­ment and to acce­le­rate growth in a conso­li­da­ting market.
Deut­sche Privat Equity (DPE) takes over the shares of Enzian AG as the new majo­rity investor.
This step is part of the IMPAG Group’s long-term growth stra­tegy, which aims to further conso­li­date its market posi­tion and create added value as a solu­tion provi­der for its stake­hol­ders, espe­ci­ally its custo­mers, supply part­ners and employees.
The change enables the IMPAG Group to streng­then its agility and inno­va­tive power and to drive forward its corpo­rate vision in a targe­ted manner by further deve­lo­ping its offe­ring and expan­ding its services.
The new inves­tor struc­ture with DPE supports IMPAG Group’s ambi­ti­ons to expand its presence in the Euro­pean market and diver­sify its busi­ness areas through targe­ted acqui­si­ti­ons and partnerships.
IMPAG Group stri­ves to further streng­then its value-added posi­tion in the life science and mate­rial science sectors and to be percei­ved as a prefer­red part­ner for its global stakeholders.
The Board of Direc­tors and the Execu­tive Board of IMPAG Group are convin­ced that the change of inves­tor supports the stra­te­gic direc­tion of the company and forms the basis for further growth and long-term success.
“A change of inves­tor should always be driven by strength and not by neces­sity. IMPAG has deve­lo­ped across natio­nal borders, has estab­lished a strong market posi­tion in Europe and, with its ambi­tious plans for the future, is now ready for a new, strong inves­tor and part­ner. We are convin­ced that in DPE we have gained a strong part­ner with a compa­ra­ble under­stan­ding of values who will support the successful further deve­lo­p­ment of the IMPAG Group in the long term,” confirms IMPAG CEO Remo Bernardi.
Andreas Schmid, Part­ner at DPE, empha­si­zes: “We are convin­ced that we can expand on the basis of the exis­ting plat­form, the IMPAG Group, both through further orga­nic growth initia­ti­ves and through targe­ted buy-and-build acqui­si­ti­ons to become a leading pan-Euro­pean specia­list distri­bu­tor for chemi­cals.” DPE is a German capi­tal manage­ment company head­quar­te­red in Munich that invests in medium-sized growth compa­nies, prima­rily in Germany, Austria and Switz­er­land, with the invest­ment funds it manages.
DPE supports its port­fo­lio compa­nies with a part­ner­ship approach, capi­tal, expe­ri­ence and respect for entre­pre­neu­rial action in order to realize their future potential.
The IMPAG Group, head­quar­te­red in Zurich and with subsi­dia­ries in Switz­er­land, Germany, Poland, France, Austria and Spain, is a chemi­cal distri­bu­tion company that supplies and supports the life science and mate­rial science indus­tries in Europe with raw mate­ri­als and services. 

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