
DMK sells sanotact to family office of the Piëch-Nordhoff family

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9. April 2020

Zeven — REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance advi­sed DMK Group on the sale of its subsi­diary sanot­act GmbH to the family office of the Piëch-Nord­hoff family through its invest­ment arm FLOTTE Holding.

sanot­act is one of the leading inter­na­tio­nal specialty suppli­ers of nutri­tio­nal supple­ments, such as effer­ve­s­cent tablets with vitamins and mine­rals and lactase products, which are sold in Europe, Asia and Africa. In Germany, sanot­act is mainly repre­sen­ted in drugs­to­res and food retail­ers. With 190 employees, sanot­act produ­ces and distri­bu­tes not only dietary supple­ments but also func­tional confec­tion­ery, espe­ci­ally breath fres­he­ners and dextrose products. Many consu­mers are fami­liar with the colorful dextrose rolls of the “intact” brand from phar­macies; with a market share of 60 percent, sanot­act has been the market leader there for more than 30 years. Through focu­sed expan­sion of the product range and the deve­lo­p­ment of new, inter­na­tio­nal sales markets, the company has deve­lo­ped very successfully in recent years.

DMK Group wants to focus on its core compe­tence dairy products in the future and has ther­e­fore deci­ded to divest under the lead of REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance. FLOTTE Holding was able to prevail in a compe­ti­tive M&A bidding process against natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal stra­te­gic inte­res­ted parties, finan­cial inves­tors and other family offices. The manage­ment has inves­ted in the company toge­ther with FLOTTE and will conti­nue the successful growth strategy.

With sales of 5.6 billion euros and 7,700 employees, DMK Group is the largest dairy coope­ra­tive in Germany and one of the leading dairy compa­nies in Europe. The product port­fo­lio ranges from cheese, dairy products and ingre­di­ents to baby food, ice cream and whey products with brands such as MILRAM, Olden­bur­ger, Unie­kaas, Alete and Humana.

The acqui­rer FLOTTE Holding is the invest­ment arm of the Piëch-Nord­hoff family, which is in the process of buil­ding a direct invest­ment port­fo­lio focu­sed on sustainable companies.

About REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance
REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance specia­li­zes in advi­sing on the sale and acqui­si­tion of compa­nies (M&A), MBO/MBI and struc­tu­ring of finan­cing. As “M&A specia­list for medium-sized compa­nies” REDHILL Corpo­rate Finance offers perso­nal M&A consul­ting for owner- and family-mana­­ged compa­nies with a turno­ver between EUR 10 million and EUR 100 million as well as their share­hol­ders and inves­tors. Foun­der Kai Sessing­haus (photo) has 25 years of expe­ri­ence in this segment and is one of the most expe­ri­en­ced M&A advi­sors for medium-sized tran­sac­tions in Germany.

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