
Regens­burg — The share­hol­ders of CIC Erneu­er­bare Ener­gien GmbH (“CIC”) of Regens­burg have sold the photo­vol­taic plants alre­ady in opera­tion to the infra­struc­ture inves­tor Blue­field Revive Italia Srl (“BRI1”) of Milan and to Solar­Ka­pi­tal GmbH (“Solar­Ka­pi­tal”) of Frank­furt am Main. The PV port­fo­lio of a total of nine systems includes one of the world’s largest carport systems. This part of the tran­sac­tion was sold to BRI1, an Italian subsi­diary of Blue­field Part­ners LLP (“Blue­field”) of London, whereas a smal­ler part of the entire port­fo­lio is connec­ted in Germany and was acqui­red by Solar­Ka­pi­tal. — MAYLAND acted as exclu­sive M&A advi­sor to CIC in this global sell side process.

CIC successfully deve­lops its own inno­va­tive capi­tal invest­ments and is an estab­lished system provi­der in the rene­wa­ble energy sector with its own sales force. In addi­tion, CIC plans, builds and opera­tes large-scale power plants in the field of rene­wa­ble ener­gies world­wide. CIC is thus constantly commit­ted to the expan­sion of rene­wa­ble ener­gies and to the deve­lo­p­ment of ecolo­gi­cally orien­ted and econo­mic­ally viable products.

Blue­field is a long-term invest­ment advi­sor with signi­fi­cant expe­ri­ence in execu­ting and finan­cing tran­sac­tions and advi­sing on rene­wa­ble energy invest­ments in Europe, with a strong presence in Italy. Blue­field is, among other things, invest­ment advi­sor to Blue­field Solar Income Fund Ltd (“BSIF”), the first UK-focu­sed solar fund listed on the London Stock Exch­ange. Blue­field has led the acqui­si­tion of more than 650 MW of solar PV assets in the UK and Europe for BSIF and other funds advi­sed by Blue­field. In 2021, Blue­field served as invest­ment advi­sor to funds and vehic­les with total assets under manage­ment of €1.2 billion.

Foun­ded in 2010, Solar­Ka­pi­tal is an invest­ment company that focu­ses exclu­si­vely on invest­ments in the solar indus­try. In doing so, Solar­Ka­pi­tal invests capi­tal and entre­pre­neur­ship in both compa­nies and PV projects. The port­fo­lio curr­ently includes PV plants in Germany, Greece and France, where Solar­Ka­pi­tal acts as asset manager/IPP.

MAYLAND acted as exclu­sive M&A advi­sor to CIC in this global sell side process and was able to draw on its long-stan­ding exper­tise in the rene­wa­ble energy sector as well as its excel­lent network of finan­cial and infra­struc­ture investors.


MAYLAND AG is an inde­pen­dent, owner-mana­ged global M&A and corpo­rate finance consul­tancy. We regu­larly deve­lop indi­vi­dual tran­sac­tion struc­tures for our clients for the purchase and sale of compa­nies or parts of compa­nies and arrange any finan­cing requi­red for these tran­sac­tions. In addi­tion, we assist our clients in raising equity and debt capital.

Due to nume­rous comple­ted tran­sac­tions, the MAYLAND team has exten­sive sector know­ledge in various indus­tries, which is comple­men­ted by many years of expe­ri­ence as well as a solid inter­na­tio­nal network of equity and debt inves­tors.

About Solar­Ka­pi­tal

Solar­Ka­pi­tal (“SK”), foun­ded in 2010 and based in Frank­furt am Main, is an invest­ment company focu­sed exclu­si­vely on invest­ments in the solar indus­try. SK Kapi­tal invests entre­pre­neu­rial know-how in compa­nies as well as in exis­ting and new PV projects. The port­fo­lio curr­ently includes PV plants in Germany, Greece and France, where SK acts as asset manager/IPP, as well as a 100% stake in ENcome Energy Perfor­mance GmbH (“ENcome”).

SK offers a unique combi­na­tion of inter­na­tio­nal solar, finan­cial, tran­sac­tional and manage­ment exper­tise coupled with inte­grity, relia­bi­lity and sound­ness. SK’s many years of expe­ri­ence in private equity, corpo­rate finance, mid-market and rene­wa­ble energy make it the part­ner of choice for compa­nies in the solar indus­try.

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