
CAPinside AG closes seed round with over 3.3 million euros

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
12. Febru­ary 2019

Hamburg — Five months after the offi­cial launch of the inde­pen­dent online compa­ri­son plat­form for invest­ment products, the company has now secu­red the support of well-known inves­tors and over 3.3 million euros in equity capi­tal for the further deve­lo­p­ment of the online plat­form in a first round of financing.

“We want to give ever­yone inde­pen­dent access to the best and most rele­vant invest­ment products,” says Phil­ipp Schrö­der, CEO of the plat­form. Curr­ently, CAPin­side provi­des its auto­ma­ted real-time compa­ri­sons of over 40,000 invest­ment products as well as their ratings for profes­sio­nal inves­tors free of charge. Thus, the fintech from Hamburg offers the best possi­ble decis­ion support for investors.

“There is hardly an indus­try that has dama­ged itself so much through syste­ma­tic intrans­pa­rency and which, at the same time, is still so little digi­ti­zed as the invest­ment indus­try. And this is despite the fact that invest­ment funds are actually comple­tely unri­va­led as a form of invest­ment due to histo­ri­cally low inte­rest rates,” says Schrö­der, who successfully promo­ted the digi­tiza­tion and demo­no­po­liza­tion of the energy indus­try before foun­ding CAPin­side. “CAPin­side aims to regain trust through trans­pa­rency by deve­lo­ping our compa­ri­son tech­no­logy to help private inves­tors make better and more infor­med finan­cial decis­i­ons in the future,” Schrö­der said.

To ensure this, CAPin­side has now raised fresh capi­tal and will launch a compa­ri­son plat­form in April 2019 that can also be used by non-profes­­sio­nal inves­tors. The capi­tal round was led by Thomas Pütter, the well-known venture capi­ta­list and ex-CEO of Alli­anz Capi­tal Part­ners, who also chairs the super­vi­sory board of CAPin­side AG. The inves­tors conti­nue to include Andreas Kupke, co-foun­­der of, Chris­toph Oster­mann, foun­der and CEO of the tech­no­logy start-up sonnen, and Alex­an­der Holt­ap­pels, CEO and foun­der of the Hamburg-based soft­ware company SABIO.

Since Septem­ber 2018, over 7,000 profes­sio­nal users have regis­tered with and over 2 million non-regis­­te­red users visit the site per month.

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