
Frank­furt a. M., Munich — Bright Capi­tal supports the further growth of the family-run SieVa­Tek GmbH, the specia­list for online hire-purchase portals, with a long-term loan. In addi­tion, Bright Capi­tal toge­ther with HF Debt provi­ded unitran­che finan­cing for Family Trust Beteiligungsholding’s invest­ment in Dietsch Pols­ter­mö­bel and for DPK Deut­sche Privat­ka­pi­tal ’s invest­ment in GCM Gastro Concept Manage­ment GmbH and Wurst­teu­fel GmbH. All invest­ments were made from the 2nd Vintage Fund laun­ched in summer 2019. — The foun­der of Bright Capi­tal is Matthias Matthieu, who is respon­si­ble for deal gene­ra­tion and struc­tu­ring, port­fo­lio manage­ment and inves­tor rela­ti­ons. He is also a member of the Invest­ment Committee.

The owner-mana­ged SieVa­Tek GmbH, based in Wetz­lar, Germany, was foun­ded in 1986. SieVa­Tek offers a secure online-based payment model with the aim of provi­ding a bank-inde­pen­dent finan­cing plat­form for end custo­mers and opera­tes, among other things, the online portal Rent2BuyMusic is the No. 1 install­ment plan portal with the most ongo­ing contracts in the music and event equip­ment sector. As the company conti­nues to grow and expand its online store offe­rings, Bright Capi­tal (Vintage 2) has provi­ded long-term financing.

The Dietsch Group, head­quar­te­red in Schmal­kal­den, Thurin­gia, is a fully inte­gra­ted uphols­te­red furni­ture manu­fac­tu­rer with around 200 employees cove­ring the entire value chain from design to frame cons­truc­tion to uphols­tery in one of Europe’s most modern uphols­te­red furni­ture produc­tion faci­li­ties. Today, the family-run company is known among end custo­mers and specia­list retail­ers for excel­lent value for money “Made in Germany”. — Bright Capi­tal (Vintage 2) and HF Debt jointly provi­ded acqui­si­tion finan­cing for the majo­rity stake from Munich-based inves­tor Family Trust. Family Trust has acqui­red a majo­rity stake in the tradi­tio­nal company as part of an early corpo­rate succession.

Bright Capi­tal provi­ded Krall­mann with a long-term loan repa­ya­ble at matu­rity. With the fresh capi­tal, Krall­mann was able to market its newly deve­lo­ped and inno­va­tive tech­no­logy and invest in the neces­sary auto­ma­tion and digi­ta­liza­tion. Krall­mann has deve­lo­ped into an inno­va­tion leader for Inte­gra­ted Metal-Plas­tic Injec­tion Molding (IMKS) and the asso­cia­ted mold making. In recent years, the Krall­mann Group has stra­te­gi­cally expan­ded the value chain and successfully comple­ted the evolu­tion from contract injec­tion molding to a market leader in process and product innovation.

About Bright Capital
We offer finan­cing solu­ti­ons and selec­ted equity invest­ments from a single source. Our focus is on smal­ler mid-sized compa­nies, which we believe have little access to alter­na­tive finan­cing. In doing so, we invest in all sectors. As part of our invest­ment stra­tegy, we can invest along the entire capi­tal struc­ture. The aim is to create substan­tial corpo­rate value with indi­vi­dual and custo­mi­zed investments.

Bright Capi­tal is a value-orien­ted, long-term inves­tor. We invest in compa­nies that gene­rate stable cash flows, have a robust market posi­tion and excel­lent manage­ment. Compa­nies should be leaders in their field in the German-spea­king region and show substan­tial growth poten­tial. Our target compa­nies are usually family- or owner-mana­ged, or are port­fo­lio compa­nies of invest­ment compa­nies. — We support compa­nies in all indus­tries. We can tailor the finan­cing and compen­sa­tion struc­ture to meet speci­fic capi­tal requi­re­ments and the company’s situation.

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