
Berlin — Uploa­ding open invoices and recei­ving the amount imme­dia­tely is the busi­ness model of Billie, a young German finan­cial tech­no­logy company. Venture capi­ta­list Dawn Capi­tal led the $100 million funding round. The Chinese Inter­net group Tencent and Rocket Inter­net foun­der Oliver Samwer also participated.

The series of large finan­cing rounds for young German finan­cial tech­no­logy compa­nies (fintechs) conti­nues. Berlin-based fintech startup Billie — specia­li­zing in receiv­a­bles finan­cing — has recei­ved $100 million from old and new backers, brin­ging its valua­tion to an esti­ma­ted $640 million.

The grea­test stra­te­gic signi­fi­cance, howe­ver, is the entry of the Swedish fintech group Klarna. The payment service provi­der had previously announ­ced a coope­ra­tion with Billie and is taking a single-digit percen­tage stake. While Klarna offers services for private consu­mers, Billie wants to estab­lish the same offer for busi­ness custo­mers (B2B). Since many Klarna part­ners serve both private and corpo­rate custo­mers, Billie gains access to a large custo­mer base. The new capi­tal will be used to expand abroad and streng­then IT, risk manage­ment and fraud prevention.

Consul­tant Billie: Vogel Heerma Waitz

Dr. Clemens Waitz, Dr. Simon Pfef­ferle, Paul Rhode

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