
BayStartUP brokers over 62 million euros to startups in 2018

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
22. Janu­ary 2019

Munich — In fiscal year 2018, BayStartUP ’s inves­tor network arran­ged over 62 million euros in capi­tal for start­ups in a total of 50 finan­cing rounds: from medi­cal tech­no­logy to 3D prin­ting and digi­tal twins to apps for last-minute flights — in terms of content, start­ups from Bava­ria are extre­mely broadly posi­tio­ned. 42.7 million came from venture capi­tal compa­nies, public inves­tors and stra­te­gic inves­tors. Private inves­tors have inves­ted a total of 20 million euros and are invol­ved in three-quar­­ters of the deals. Successfully funded start­ups include teams such as inveox, All3DP, Hofmann & Stir­ner and Let’s Yalla. The BayStartUP inves­tor network is one of the most important cont­act points in Bava­ria for start­ups looking for capital.

The focus of the deals broke­red by BayStartUP is on the early stage: 44 of the funded teams (88%) are youn­ger than 3 years. 26% of the finan­cing rounds fall into the pre-seed phase, 52% into the seed phase and 22% into the series A phase. Busi­ness angels were invol­ved in 74% of the deals. “This shows that busi­ness angels are an indis­pensable part of early-stage finan­cing and that the importance of angel capi­tal has contin­ued to grow over the years,” says Dr. Cars­ten Rudolph (photo), mana­ging direc­tor of BayStartUP. In total, the finan­cing rounds range from 50,000 euros to 6,000,000 euros. The highest invest­ment by a busi­ness angel was just under 2 million euros. In fiscal year 2018, the BayStartUP inves­tor network attrac­ted around 40 new busi­ness angels. “The topic is meeting with incre­asing inte­rest, parti­cu­larly among entre­pre­neurs from German SMEs,” says Rudolph. Curr­ently, start­ups have cont­act oppor­tu­ni­ties with around 300 private as well as over 100 insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors via the BayStartUP inves­tor network.

When it comes to finan­cing brokerage, BayStartUP acts as a neutral and non-commer­cial cont­act for start­ups and inves­tors. The network is supported by the Bava­rian Minis­try of Econo­mic Affairs. “We will conti­nue to keep our acti­vi­ties in the startup sector at a high level in the future. Offe­rings supported by the Bava­rian Minis­try of Econo­mic Affairs, such as those of BayStartUP, make a signi­fi­cant contri­bu­tion to young inno­va­tive compa­nies gaining access to capi­tal and expert know­ledge, espe­ci­ally in the Bava­rian regi­ons,” says Bavaria’s Minis­ter of Econo­mic Affairs Hubert Aiwan­ger. “This is an important prere­qui­site for them to successfully estab­lish their busi­ness models in the market.”

Compa­nies supported by BayStartUP are curr­ently active on the market with over 13,100 employees and gene­rate a turno­ver of almost 1.4 billion euros (as of 2017). Many compa­nies that are successful today got off the ground with BayStartUP, inclu­ding success stories such as Flix­bus, eGym, Maga­zino, Voxel­jet, numa­res, Transpo­reon and va-Q-tec AG.


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