
Munich — The capi­tal market SME inte­rest group is on a strong growth course. With the Munich Stock Exch­ange, it has now also been able to win a stock exch­ange as a renow­ned new member for the first time, which will actively support the asso­cia­tion as a support­ing member in the future.

The members of the asso­cia­tion, which was foun­ded at the end of 2017, come from every conceiva­ble sector, inclu­ding SMEs, of course, service provi­ders in the capi­tal market-orien­ted SME sector, finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons, media — and now, for the first time, a well-known German stock exch­ange. There has been a great deal of inte­rest from capi­tal market-orien­ted SMEs.

“It is our central concern that the frame­work condi­ti­ons for capi­tal market finan­cing for small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses in Germany conti­nue to improve. That is why we are plea­sed to actively support the Capi­tal Market SME Inte­rest Group,” says Dr. Marc Feiler, Member of the Manage­ment Board of Börse München. The Munich Stock Exch­ange opera­tes its own SME segment in over-the-coun­ter trading: m:access ( More than 50 compa­nies are now listed here.

The presi­dent of the inte­rest group Ingo Wege­rich is plea­sed about the increase in members. “We are very plea­sed that Börse München has joined our asso­cia­tion as a new member. With its SME segment m:access, the Munich Stock Exch­ange is very concer­ned about capi­tal market-orien­ted SMEs and, as a member, is an ideal match for the objec­ti­ves of our inte­rest group. The fact that our criti­cism has contri­bu­ted to the fact that secu­ri­ties issues of up to 8 million euros will be possi­ble without a pros­pec­tus in the future has brought our asso­cia­tion a great deal of atten­tion and further streng­the­ned the great inte­rest in our repre­sen­ta­tion of inte­rests among small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses. With an incre­asing member­ship, we can lend even more weight to our argu­ments in the future.”

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