Photo: Bastei Lübbe Publishing House in Cologne

Bastei Lübbe restructures corporate financing with NCF

Photo: Bastei Lübbe Publi­shing House in Cologne
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23. Febru­ary 2021

Colo­gne — NETWORK Corpo­rate Finance (NCF) advi­sed the Execu­tive Board of Bastei Lübbe AG on the restruc­tu­ring of its entire corpo­rate finan­cing, inclu­ding an acqui­si­tion finan­cing for the purchase of the “smar­ti­cu­lar” publi­shing house.

As part of this restruc­tu­ring of Bastei Lübbe AG’s corpo­rate finan­cing, the entire debt finan­cing was aligned for the long term and supple­men­ted by acqui­si­tion finan­cing for the purchase of the publi­shing house “smar­ti­cu­lar”, which specia­li­zes in sustaina­bi­lity. This allo­wed the old, very complex syndi­ca­ted finan­cing to be repla­ced by flexi­ble, cost-effec­­tive finan­cing on a bila­te­ral basis.

About Bastei Lübbe AG
Listed Bastei Lübbe AG is one of Germany’s largest and best-known publi­shing houses, specia­li­zing in the publi­ca­tion of books, audio books, and e‑books with fiction and popu­lar science content, as well as peri­odi­cal novel issues. Inter­na­tio­nal and natio­nal best­sel­ling authors such as Ken Follett, Dan Brown, Jeff Kinney, Rebecca Gablé, Petra Hüls­mann, Andreas Esch­bach, Timur Vermes and many more have been publi­shing their books at the Colo­gne publi­shing house, in some cases for deca­des. With the acqui­si­tion of “smar­ti­cu­lar,” Bastei Lübbe AG is expan­ding and supple­men­ting its content on the topic of sustaina­bi­lity.

About NCF
Network Corpo­rate Finance is an inde­pen­dent, owner-mana­­ged advi­sory firm focu­sed on mergers and acqui­si­ti­ons, capi­tal markets tran­sac­tions, and equity and debt finan­cing. We advise both estab­lished and young compa­nies in a wide range of indus­tries. With our team of more than 20 employees at our offices in Düssel­dorf, Berlin and Frank­furt, we have estab­lished oursel­ves as one of the most successful inde­pen­dent corpo­rate finance consul­ting firms in Germany since our foun­da­tion in 2002.

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