Photo: Dr. Lars Laeger, Partner at ARQIS (Photo © Arqis)

ARQIS advises SachsenEnergie on the purchase of a PV park in Poland

Photo: Dr. Lars Laeger, Part­ner at ARQIS (Photo © Arqis)
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8. April 2024

Düssel­dorf — Sach­se­n­En­er­gie AG acqui­res a solar park in Poland. The sellers are Gold­beck Solar GmbH and the SUNCATCHER Group. Both deve­lop and build solar and energy systems. — ARQIS advi­sed Sach­se­n­En­er­gie AG on the purchase of a solar park in Poland.

The solar park is a 9 MWp solar complex — a clus­ter of two ground-moun­­ted solar parks in the western Polish town of Barli­nek. Equip­ped with over 16,500 solar modu­les, the plants in Barli­nek are expec­ted to produce 8,982 GWh of elec­tri­city per year. This corre­sponds to supp­ly­ing around 4,000 house­holds. The plant was comple­ted and put into opera­tion at the site at the begin­ning of 2024. The park is to be expan­ded to a capa­city of 11.1 MW by the end of 2024.

As a full-service provi­der for public services, the Sach­se­n­En­er­gie Group relia­bly supplies custo­mers throug­hout Saxony with energy, water, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, energy-rela­­ted services and modern infra­struc­ture. It is the largest muni­ci­pal supplier in eastern Germany. The company aims to expand its rene­wa­ble energy busi­ness through PV and wind projects deve­lo­ped in-house and through further acqui­si­ti­ons in Germany and Europe. With the solar park in Barli­nek, Sach­se­n­En­er­gie AG is acqui­ring its first ground-moun­­ted PV system in Poland, ther­eby expan­ding its geogra­phi­cal presence.

ARQIS worked for Sach­se­n­En­er­gie AG for the first time. The lead part­ner Dr. Lars Laeger was recom­men­ded by the market. The mandate is signi­fi­cant for the firm as it impres­si­vely under­lines its special focus on M&A in regu­la­ted indus­tries, in parti­cu­lar rene­wa­bles. ARQIS was supported in Poland by Wolf Theiss in local law.

Advi­sor Sach­se­n­En­er­gie AG: ARQIS (Düssel­dorf)

Dr. Lars Laeger, photo © Arqis (Lead, M&A), Part­ner: Dr. Fried­rich Gebert (Public and Regu­la­tory), Coun­sel: Jens Knip­ping (Tax), Mana­ging Asso­cia­tes: Kamil Flak, Dr. Denis Schütz (both M&A), Asso­cia­tes: Dr. Bern­hard Gröhe, Luise Schü­ling (both Public and Regulatory)

Wolf Theiss (Poland): Igor Muszyn­ski, Pawel Szumow­ski, Marika Grzybowska


ARQIS is an inde­pen­dent busi­ness law firm opera­ting inter­na­tio­nally. Around 80 lawy­ers and legal specia­lists advise dome­stic and foreign compa­nies at the highest level on German, Euro­pean and Japa­nese commer­cial law. With the focus groups Tran­sac­tions, HR.Law, Japan, Data.Law, Risk and Regu­la­tory, the firm is geared towards provi­ding compre­hen­sive advice to its clients. The law firm was foun­ded in 2006 and has offices in Düssel­dorf, Munich and Tokyo as well as a talent hub in Berlin. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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