
Munich — LUTZ | ABEL advi­ses Munich-based Alpha­Pet Ventures on both the acqui­si­tion of Healthfood24 and the rela­ted equity finan­cing (Series E). BMH Bräu­ti­gam advi­ses capi­ton on the acqui­si­tion of a stake in Alpha­Pet Ventures as part of the finan­cing round. In addi­tion to the new lead inves­tor capi­ton, Muzi­nich & Co. supports the acqui­si­tion of Healthfood24 with acqui­si­tion financing.

Alpha­Pet Ventures GmbH stands for the digi­ta­liza­tion of the pet market and the multi-chan­nel distri­bu­tion of premium pet food. Heathfood24 sets among other things with its in the premium dog food segment leading brand Wolfs­blut the dog food offers of the large, conven­tio­nal dog food manu­fac­tu­r­ers a species-appro­priate premium dog food against. Alpha­Pet Ventures and Healthfood24 have a long-stan­ding and successful busi­ness rela­ti­onship. With this acqui­si­tion, Alpha­Pet Ventures will consis­t­ently expand its posi­tion as a leading premium provi­der with multi-chan­nel distri­bu­tion. The company is posi­tio­ning itself as a strong player in the market with sales of almost three-digit milli­ons. This market posi­tion will also be further streng­the­ned at Euro­pean level through the acqui­si­tion of Healthfood24, ther­eby further estab­li­shing healthy pet food in the mainstream.

The private equity inves­tor capi­ton accom­pa­nies medium-sized compa­nies in the imple­men­ta­tion of their growth targets — as does Alpha­Pet Ventures. In the course of the tran­sac­tion, capi­ton and its fund capi­ton V will acquire 36% of the shares in Alpha­Pet Ventures, ther­eby finan­cing the acqui­si­tion. In addi­tion to capi­ton, Reimann Inves­tors and Venture Stars, among others, hold major stakes in Alpha­Pet Ventures.

The acqui­si­tion and the purchase of shares by capi­ton are still subject to appr­oval by foreign anti­trust authorities.

Advi­sors Alpha­Pet Ventures: LUTZ | ABEL
The advi­sory team around Dr. Marco Eick­mann and Phil­ipp Hoene (both M&A/VC, Munich) consists of Sebas­tian Sumal­vico (M&A/VC, Munich), Frank Hahn (M&A/VC, Hamburg), Dr. Marius Mann (Commer­cial, Stutt­gart), Dr. André Schmidt (IP/IT, Hamburg), Clau­dia Knuth (Labor Law, Hamburg), and Sebas­tian Schrei­ber (Real Estate, Hamburg).

Further legal advi­sors to Alpha­Pet Ventures: Luther, Chris­toph Schau­en­burg (Finance, Frank­furt a.M.) BRP Renaud und Part­ner, Dr. Martin Beutel­mann (Anti­trust, Stuttgart)

BMH BRÄUTIGAM advi­ses the lead inves­tor capi­ton on the invest­ment and acqui­si­tion. The advi­sory team consists of Dr. Patrick Auer­bach-Hohl, Dr. Matthias Rüping, Katha­rina Erbe, Janina Erich­sen, Raoul Moritz Nissen, Dr. Julian Schroe­der (all Venture Capi­tal), Dr. Andrea Reichert-Clauß, Dr. Manuel Holz­mann, Tina Schmidt, Dr. Sylko Wink­ler (all Private Equity ǀ Corporate/M&A).

Other advi­sors to capi­ton: CODEX Part­ners and MTA Part­ners (Commer­cial, Tech­no­logy), KPMG (Finan­cial), EY (Tax and Struc­tu­ring), AvS (Manage­ment Audit), Tauw (ESG), Ferber & Co. (Deal Advisory)

With almost 70 lawy­ers and offices in Munich, Hamburg, Stutt­gart and Berlin, the commer­cial law firm LUTZ | ABEL provi­des advice on all aspects of commer­cial law. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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