
Alpha Foods sells to Vendis Capital’s portfolio company Sylphar

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19. May 2020

Berlin — Inter­na­tio­nal law firm Osborne Clarke has advi­sed Alpha Foods on the sale of its food busi­ness to Vendis Capital’s port­fo­lio company Sylphar.

Fast-growing OTC company Sylphar, which part­ne­red with Vendis Capi­tal in May 2017 to acce­le­rate its growth both orga­ni­cally and through buy-and-build acqui­si­ti­ons, has moved a step closer to its goal of beco­ming one of Europe’s leading omnich­an­nel play­ers in consu­mer health with the acqui­si­tion of Alpha Foods, an estab­lished supplier of dietary supple­ments and vegan nutri­tion products to the German market.

Alpha Foods, foun­ded by Wolf­gang Dorf­ner, deve­lops, markets and distri­bu­tes a range of nutri­tio­nal supple­ments and vegan nutri­tio­nal products, which are sold through the company’s own web store as well as Amazon. Due to his former acti­vi­ties at Face­book and Google, Wolf­gang Dorf­ner has profound know-how regar­ding online plat­forms and was thus able to build a passio­nate online commu­nity for Alpha Foods.

Wolf­gang Dorf­ner will join Sylphar to further drive Alpha Foods’ growth and bring his online marke­ting exper­tise to the other brands in the group.

The Osborne Clarke team, led by Robin Eyben (Corporate/M&A), consis­ted of Thies Gold­ner, Alex­an­dra Nautsch (both Corporate/M&A), Konstan­tin Ewald, Leonie Schnei­der (both IP/IT) and Florian Merkle (Tax). Also invol­ved were lawy­ers from Osborne Clarke Belgium: David Haex, Laurant De Pauw (both Corpo­rate, M&A) and Benja­min Docquir (IP/IT). From Best Friends law firm Venable (USA), Thomas Baxter (Corporate/M&A) supported.

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