
Frankfurt/Miami — Cygna Labs, a leading compli­ance and cloud secu­rity soft­ware company, has ente­red into a binding agree­ment to acquire Vital­QIP, a global DDI soft­ware provi­der from Nokia Solu­ti­ons & Network Oy (“Nokia”). Cygna Labs is supported by the Frank­furt-based private equity firm VR Equi­typ­art­ner (VREP), which holds a mino­rity stake in the company. The acqui­si­tion includes the Vital­QIP soft­ware solu­tion, custo­mer base and Vital QIP’s inter­na­tio­nal team of experts.

Cygna Labs is a leading soft­ware company in the areas of networ­king, cloud as well as secu­rity and the third largest global DDI provi­der. Many Fortune 100 custo­mers use Cygna Labs’ DDI products and services and secu­rity and compli­ance solu­ti­ons to iden­tify and proac­tively miti­gate thre­ats to their data secu­rity in a timely manner, pass compli­ance audits, and increase the produc­ti­vity of their IT departments.

Going forward, Cygna Labs’ mana­ged service offe­rings will be expan­ded to include solu­ti­ons from Vital­QIP, which is one of the top five provi­ders of DDI soft­ware and has nume­rous deploy­ments with large enter­pri­ses. Vital­QIP will remain as an inde­pen­dent product line within Cygna Labs Group after the tran­sac­tion. As a result of the tran­sac­tion, Vital­QIP custo­mers will bene­fit from Cygna Labs’ exper­tise and inno­va­tions, and will conti­nue to be served by compre­hen­sive main­ten­ance and support services, as well as 24x7 world­wide service.

Alex­an­der Häcker, CEO of Cygna Labs Group, said, “Cygna Labs conti­nues to support large enter­pri­ses that rely on our DDI products and services. With this acqui­si­tion, we expand our offe­ring to include VitalQIP’s indus­try-proven open and scalable DDI solu­ti­ons, which we will offer along­side our exis­ting DDI solutions.”

“The acqui­si­tion of Nokia’s leading DDI soft­ware streng­thens our Intellec­tual Property offe­ring and makes Cygna Labs the global number two in the DDI market,” added Chris­tian Ehren­thal, CEO of Cygna Labs. “From a busi­ness perspec­tive, the acqui­si­tion expands our product port­fo­lio, adds more Fortune 100 compa­nies to our custo­mer base, and increa­ses oppor­tu­ni­ties for Cygna Labs to expand our global market presence.”

Chris­tian Futter­lieb, Mana­ging Direc­tor of VR Equi­typ­art­ner, comm­ents, “Follo­wing the acqui­si­ti­ons of the Diamond IP soft­ware solu­tion from British Tele­com and the DDI busi­ness unit of NCC Group last year, the Vital­QIP add-on marks the third important growth step for Cygna Labs within a very short time. We are very plea­sed to be able to accom­pany the company in this process.”

VR Equi­typ­art­ner at a glance

VR Equi­typ­art­ner is one of the leading equity finan­ciers in Germany, Austria and Switz­er­land. The company supports medium-sized family busi­nesses in a goal-orien­ted manner and with deca­des of expe­ri­ence in the stra­te­gic solu­tion of complex finan­cing issues. Invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties include growth and expan­sion finan­cing, corpo­rate succes­sion or share­hol­der chan­ges. VR Equi­typ­art­ner offers majo­rity and mino­rity invest­ments as well as mezza­nine finan­cing. As a subsi­diary of DZ BANK, the central insti­tu­tion of the coope­ra­tive banks in Germany, VR Equi­typ­art­ner consis­t­ently puts the sustaina­bi­lity of corpo­rate deve­lo­p­ment ahead of short-term exit thin­king. VR Equitypartner’s port­fo­lio curr­ently compri­ses around 60 commit­ments with an invest­ment volume of EUR 400 million.

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