
Switz­er­land — Rolex, by far the largest and most important Swiss watch brand, acqui­res Buch­erer, by far the largest and most important Swiss Rolex dealer. This is the message Buch­erer sent out a few days ago to the brands the Lucerne-based company sells in its own stores. This was announ­ced by the Swiss “Handels­zei­tung”.

Buch­erer patron Jörg Buch­erer has no descen­dants and ther­e­fore sought a viable, syner­gi­stic solu­tion for his empire. Accor­ding to Buch­erer, the take­over still has to be appro­ved by the rele­vant compe­ti­tion autho­ri­ties. This should be a mere forma­lity, as Buch­erer and Rolex operate in diffe­rent markets — retail and watch­ma­king. The two tradi­tio­nal houses have been working closely toge­ther since 1924, and Buch­erer sells Swiss luxury watches and offers the offi­cial repair service in over 100 specia­list stores worldwide.

The company produ­ces about one million watches a year, accor­ding to Morgan Stan­ley esti­ma­tes, gene­ra­ting sales of more than 10 billion Swiss francs. By compa­ri­son, the second and third largest brands in terms of sales, Cartier (watches) and Omega, account for less than 3 billion Swiss francs. No other luxury watch brand produ­ces anywhere near as many watches as Rolex.

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