
Boston/ Munich — Charles­bank Capi­tal Part­ners acqui­res Maltego Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH through the Charles­bank Tech­no­logy Oppor­tu­ni­ties Fund from the invest­ment company Maxburg Betei­li­gun­gen III GmbH & Co KG, which was advi­sed by Maxburg Capi­tal Part­ners. Kirk­land & Ellis advi­sed Charles­bank on this transaction.

Maltego’s soft­ware is used by compa­nies world­wide, inclu­ding half of the DOW 30 compa­nies, for data visua­liza­tion and link analy­sis purpo­ses. Foun­ded in 2008, the company has more than 100 employees and is head­quar­te­red in Munich.

Charles­bank Capi­tal Part­ners, based in Boston and New York, is a middle-market private invest­ment firm that has raised more than $15 billion in capi­tal since its incep­tion. Charles­bank focu­ses on manage­ment-led buyouts and growth capi­tal finan­cings and also enga­ges in credit and tech­no­logy investments.

Maxburg Capi­tal Part­ners is an invest­ment manage­ment company focu­sed on the German-spea­king region. Foun­ded by three part­ners with many years of expe­ri­ence as entre­pre­neurs and inves­tors in public and private equity, Maxburg focu­ses on long-term corpo­rate invest­ments with the aim of achie­ving lasting and sustainable value growth. — Based on seve­ral funds and a total fund volume of € 600 million, Maxburg has an excep­tio­nally flexi­ble invest­ment mandate: We actively invest across the entire range of capi­tal struc­tures — from equity to near-equity finan­cing opti­ons such as mezza­nine and mezza­nine-like forms of invest­ment.

Advi­sors to Charles­bank Capi­tal Part­ners: Kirk­land & Ellis, Munich

Dr. Hendrik Braun (Private Equity/M&A, Lead Part­ner); Asso­cia­tes: Dr. Thomas Horn­ber­ger, Julia Jung (both Private Equity/M&A)
Kirk­land & Ellis, Boston: Larissa Cespe­des-Yaffar (M&A), Dave Gusella (Private Equity/M&A)
Kirk­land & Ellis, New York: Michael Movso­vich, P.C. (Private Equity/M&A)

About Kirk­land

Kirk­land & Ellis is one of the leading firms for high-cali­ber legal services, with more than 3,000 lawy­ers in 18 cities in the U.S., Europe and Asia. The Munich team advi­ses with a focus on private equity, M&A, corpo­rate law, capi­tal markets, restruc­tu­ring, finan­cing and tax law.

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