
Düssel­dorf — The share­hol­ders of m.Doc GmbH have sold 51% of the company to CompuGroup Medi­cal SE & Co. KGaA. ARQIS advi­sed m.Doc GmbH on this transaction.

m.Doc deve­lops pati­ent portals and other digi­tal appli­ca­ti­ons for clinics, reha­bi­li­ta­tion and care faci­li­ties. Foun­ded in 2016, the company has loca­ti­ons in Colo­gne and Lisbon and employs around 110 people. m.Doc’s focus is on digi­tiz­ing ever­y­day hospi­tal life, inte­gra­ting pati­ents into admi­nis­tra­tive and medi­cal proces­ses before, during and after inpa­ti­ent treat­ment, and provi­ding far-reaching relief and support for medi­cal staff. The tech­ni­cal basis for m.Doc’s appli­ca­ti­ons is the Smart Health plat­form, which combi­nes m.Doc’s modu­lar pati­ent portal with services such as video consul­ta­ti­ons, appoint­ment bookings, medi­ca­tion plans, treat­ment records and much more. The inter­ope­ra­bi­lity of the m.Doc plat­form with all common hospi­tal infor­ma­tion systems will be further advan­ced for the bene­fit of custo­mers and partners.

CompuGroup Medi­cal will further deve­lop m.Doc’s pati­ent portal and inte­grate it into its systems. In addi­tion, CompuGroup Medi­cal will expand the CLICKDOC solu­tion for appoint­ment bookings and video consul­ta­ti­ons and leverage syner­gies for messen­ger solu­ti­ons. The tran­sac­tion is an important mile­stone on the way to a fully digi­tal inpa­ti­ent and outpa­ti­ent pati­ent jour­ney and opti­mi­zes refer­rals from office-based physi­ci­ans to hospitals.

The ARQIS team around Jörn-Chris­tian Schulze has many years of expe­ri­ence in accom­pany­ing tran­sac­tions in the health­care and tech­no­logy sector. ARQIS was recom­men­ded by one of the share­hol­ders as advi­sor for the transaction.

Advi­sors to m.Doc GmbH: ARQIS (Düssel­dorf)
Dr. Jörn-Chris­tian Schulze, Foto (Lead; M&A), Thomas Chwa­lek (M&A); Coun­sel: Jens Knip­ping (Tax); Asso­cia­tes: Laura Ally Rizzi, Katrin Ludwig, Seve­rin Stef­fens (all M&A), Jasmin Grünen (Tax); Legal Specia­list: Qing Xia (M&A)

  • m.doc GmbH: Dr. Sabine Scholz, Head of Legal Department-
  • Flick Gocke Schaum­burg (Bonn): Dr. Phil­ipp Rulf (M&A), Dr. Thomas Belz (Tax)
  • Honert (Munich): Dr. Thomas Gräd­ler, LL.M. (taxes)
  • WMCF (Finan­cial Consul­ting, Munich): Ulf Böni­cke, Gerrit Hauck, Gian­marco Luso, Iuliana Bitca

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