
Düssel­dorf — The IPO of United Internet’s subsi­diary IONOS on the Frank­furt Stock Exch­ange took place on Febru­ary 8. Last year, United Inter­net made public its plans to float the cloud and web hosting company on the stock exch­ange follo­wing strong growth in recent years, in order to further expand its posi­tio­ning as a key provi­der of digi­tiza­tion solu­ti­ons for the self-employed and small and medium-sized enterprises.

In 2021, IONOS repor­ted sales of EUR 1.06 billion, which accoun­ted for just under 20 percent of United Internet’s total sales. The adjus­ted EBITDA margin was 32.2 percent.

McDer­mott Will & Emery advi­sed IONOS Group in the context of its IPO on the struc­tu­ring of the compen­sa­tion system for the Manage­ment Board and the revi­sion of the contrac­tual compen­sa­tion arran­ge­ments for top manage­ment. The shares of IONOS are listed in the Prime Stan­dard of the Frank­furt Stock Exch­ange. It is the first major IPO in Europe in months.

IONOS is a leading Euro­pean provi­der of hosting services, cloud services and cloud infra­struc­ture from the United Inter­net AG Group. With the IPO, the company intends to further acce­le­rate its growth course.

United Inter­net is a leading Euro­pean inter­net service provi­der and tele­coms group.

Advi­sors to IONOS: McDer­mott Will & Emery, Düsseldorf
Dr. Thomas Gennert (lead), Volker Teigel­köt­ter; Asso­ciate: Julian Jäger (all labor law)

About McDer­mott Will & Emery

McDer­mott Will & Emery is a leading inter­na­tio­nal law firm with more than 1,200 lawy­ers in more than 20 offices in Europe, North America and Asia. Our lawy­ers cover the entire spec­trum of commer­cial and corpo­rate law with their advice. The German prac­tice is mana­ged by McDer­mott Will & Emery Rechts­an­wälte Steu­er­be­ra­ter LLP.

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