
Munich, Germany — French private equity firm PAI Part­ners (“PAI”) has acqui­red Savory Solu­ti­ons Group, a leading inter­na­tio­nal provi­der of flavor and func­tional solu­ti­ons for the food sector. The seller was Inter­na­tio­nal Flavors & Fragran­ces Inc. (“IFF”). The merger is still subject to the usual regu­la­tory appr­ovals. The closing of the tran­sac­tion is expec­ted to be comple­ted by the second quar­ter of 2023. POELLATH provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal advice to the manage­ment of Savory Solu­ti­ons Group in connec­tion with the sale.

Savory Solu­ti­ons Group, parti­cu­larly under the Wiberg and Piasa brands, offers a range of value-added savory ingre­di­ents and blends. The solu­ti­ons are used by food manu­fac­tu­r­ers, butchers as well as food­ser­vice opera­tors to improve texture and taste and extend the shelf life of their products. The company opera­tes 17 produc­tion sites and nine inno­va­tion sites and employs over 1,800 people. Savory Solu­ti­ons Group serves more than 11,000 custo­mers in Europe, North America and Asia. The Group gene­ra­tes sales of around 470 million euros.

Toge­ther with PAI, Savory Solu­ti­ons Group will conti­nue to acce­le­rate the busi­ness through inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion in Europe and North America, both orga­ni­cally and through acqui­si­ti­ons, parti­cu­larly in the attrac­tive vege­ta­ble and clean label segments. — The acqui­si­tion is subject to custo­mary regu­la­tory appr­ovals and is expec­ted to close by the second quar­ter of 2023.

French private equity firm PAI Part­ners invests in market-leading compa­nies around the world with a strong focus on the food and consu­mer goods industries.

Advi­sor Savory Solu­ti­ons Group: POELLATH, Munich

Dr. Bene­dikt Hohaus (Part­ner, Manage­ment Investments)
Jan Lukas Jung­claus, LL.M. (Stel­len­bosch) (Asso­ciate, Manage­ment Participations)
Ida Süß, LL.M. (UCLA) (Asso­ciate, Manage­ment Associates)

About PAI Partners

PAI Part­ners is a leading private equity firm inves­t­ing in market-leading compa­nies world­wide. PAI Part­ners mana­ges €26.4 billion of buyout funds and has comple­ted 92 invest­ments in 11 count­ries since 1994 with a tran­sac­tion value of over €72 billion. PAI has built an outstan­ding track record of working with ambi­tious manage­ment teams where unique perspec­tive, unmat­ched indus­try expe­ri­ence and long-term vision enable compa­nies to reach — and go beyond — their full poten­tial.

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