
Berlin — Aphe­ris, the plat­form for crea­ting colla­bo­ra­tive data ecosys­tems, has raised EUR 8.7 million to further deve­lop its unique tech­no­logy and expand its growing list of custo­mers and part­ners, inclu­ding BASF, Boston Consul­ting Group, BMW Group and JLABS, the inno­va­tion divi­sion of John­son & Johnson.

The seed exten­sion funding round is led by Octo­pus Ventures. The new inves­tors also include Euro­pean health­tech invest­ment specia­lists Heal Capi­tal, Bert­hold von Frey­berg (co-foun­der of Target Part­ners) and Mirko Nova­ko­vic (foun­der of Inst­ana). In addi­tion, exis­ting inves­tors Local­Globe, Dig Ventures, and Patrick Pichette (former CFO of Google) have provi­ded addi­tio­nal funding.

Berlin-based startup Aphe­ris offers a plat­form for colla­bo­ra­tive data ecosys­tems. It enables compa­nies to connect secu­rely, extract value from the decen­tra­li­zed data­sets of others, and over­come regu­la­tory, tech­ni­cal, and commer­cial chal­lenges. At the same time, data never leaves the owner’s secure envi­ron­ment — the plat­form gives all stake­hol­ders complete control over data manage­ment, ensu­ring secu­rity, privacy and protec­tion of intellec­tual property.

Robin Röhm and Michael Höh foun­ded Aphe­ris in 2019. Her start-up now has a team of more than 30 specialists.

With this funding round, Aphe­ris plans to further expand its colla­bo­ra­tive data ecosys­tem plat­form to help connect data science and AI across orga­niza­tio­nal boundaries.

Advi­sor to Aphe­ris: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

Ariane Neubauer (Lead; Venture Capi­tal), Berlin
Dr. Eva Kett­ner, LL.B. (Labor Law), Hamburg
Shimon Merkel, LL.M. (Venture Capi­tal), Berlin
Dr. Henrik Lay (Tax Law), Hamburg
Dr. Thors­ten Kuthe (Capi­tal Markets Law), Cologne
Dr. Matthias Kühn, LL.M. (Public Law), Berlin

Heuking regu­larly advi­ses venture capi­tal inves­tors and start-ups. The current advice is further evidence of the strong deve­lo­p­ment of the firm’s venture capi­tal practice.

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