
Zurich/ Stutt­gart — The Swiss indus­trial group Artum AG has acqui­red a stake in Eppstein­FOILS GmbH & Co KG. One of the sellers is the invest­ment company Corner­stone Capi­tal. Toge­ther with long-time mana­ging direc­tor Dirk Mälzer, Artum plans to conti­nue the success story of Eppstein­FOILS GmbH & Co. KG as a hidden cham­pion in a market niche and to further streng­then the current market posi­tion of the Eppstein Group in line with its long-term invest­ment approach. Artum was advi­sed by a team led by Dr. Hermann Ali Hinde­rer, Part­ner at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek.

Eppstein­FOILS GmbH & Co. KG manu­fac­tures high-quality and extre­mely thin tech­ni­cal non-ferrous metal foils. The films produ­ced by the company, which was foun­ded in Eppstein in 1852, are used speci­fi­cally in the fields of medi­cal tech­no­logy, mate­ri­als test­ing, the pack­a­ging indus­try and elec­tro­nics. Around 100 employees work for the company.

Artum AG is a Swiss indus­trial group owned by entre­pre­neurs. Artum has no inten­tion to resell the compa­nies in which it has inves­ted. The long-term stra­tegy is aimed at turning medium-sized compa­nies into powerful and profi­ta­ble inter­na­tio­nal indus­trial groups. Since 2001, Artum has built 15 compa­nies into eight indus­try groups and deve­lo­ped them into market leaders.

Advi­sors to Artum AG: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Dr. Hermann Ali Hinde­rer, LL.M. (Lead Part­ner, Corporate/M&A), Stuttgart
Marcel Behrendt (Corpo­rate Law/M&A), Stuttgart
Dr. Alex­an­der Schott (Corpo­rate Law/M&A), Stuttgart
Dr. Till Naruisch, LL.M (Corpo­rate Law/M&A), Frankfurt
Dr. Frank Baßler (Real Estate Law), Stuttgart
Michael Below (Public Law), Düsseldorf
Dr. Anne Schulz (Public Law), Düsseldorf
Dr. Stefan Jöster (Insu­rance Law), LL.M., Cologne
Chris­toph Hexel (Labor Law), Düsseldorf
Dr. Alex­an­der Bork (Labor Law), Düsseldorf
Dr. Markus Klin­ger (IP/IT), Stuttgart
Dr. Felix Drefs (IP/IT), Stuttgart
Phil­ipp Roman Schrö­ler (IP), Düsseldorf
Fabian G. Gaffron (Tax Law), Hamburg
Dr. Frede­rik Wiemer (Anti­trust Law), Hamburg

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