
Munich — The law firm Gütt Olk Feld­haus advi­sed ARCUS Capi­tal AG on the acqui­si­tion of a majo­rity stake in Bitter­Power GmbH. The foun­ders Jan Strat­mann and Andre Sierek, as well as “Höhle der Löwen” inves­tor Judith Williams, retain a stake in Bitter­Power GmbH via a reverse invest­ment. In their manage­ment func­tion, Jan Strat­mann and Andre Sierek will syste­ma­ti­cally deve­lop Bitter­Power GmbH toge­ther with ARCUS Capi­tal AG.

Bitter­Power GmbH, based in Mann­heim, Germany, distri­bu­tes dietary supple­ments under the brand name “Bitter­Liebe”. Through its successful parti­ci­pa­tion in “Die Höhle der Löwen”, the company quickly gained reco­gni­tion and was able to posi­tion itself sustain­ably in the market. The product port­fo­lio curr­ently includes bitters in the form of drops, capsu­les, powder as well as tea, which are manu­fac­tu­red in Germany and contain only natu­ral ingredients.

ARCUS Capi­tal is a Munich-based inde­pen­dent invest­ment company focu­sing on majo­rity invest­ments in medium-sized family-owned compa­nies in the DACH region.

Legal advi­sors to ARCUS Capi­tal AG: Gütt Olk Feld­haus, Munich

Dr. Sebas­tian Olk (Part­ner, Corporate/M&A), Dr. Tilmann Gütt (Part­ner, Banking/Finance, both Lead), Thomas Becker (Of Coun­sel, IP/IT), Matthias Uelner (Asso­ciate, Corporate/M&A), Domi­nik Forst­ner (Asso­ciate, Corporate/M&A)

Alten­burg Fach­an­wälte für Arbeits­recht, Munich: Andreas Ege, Dr. Dirk Schnelle (both Labor Law)

Blom­stein, Berlin: Dr. Max Klasse (anti­trust law)


About Gütt Olk Feldhaus

Gütt Olk Feld­haus is a leading inter­na­tio­nal law firm based in Munich. We provide compre­hen­sive advice on commer­cial and corpo­rate law. Our focus is on corpo­rate law, M&A, private equity and finan­cing. In these specia­list areas we also take on the litigation.

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