
Munich, — Global busi­ness law firm Norton Rose Fulbright is streng­thening its private equity team in Munich with Bernd Dreier as Coun­sel, effec­tive Janu­ary 18, 2021.

Bernd Dreier joins Norton Rose Fulbright from AIG Europe, where he was most recently Head of M&A DACH, respon­si­ble for the W&I insu­rance busi­ness for Germany, Austria and Switz­er­land. In addi­tion to his insu­rance law and S&I exper­tise, he brings many years of expe­ri­ence in M&A and private equity, where he worked for seve­ral years as a lawyer at Henge­ler Muel­ler and Allen & Overy and as Gene­ral Coun­sel at EMH Partners.

Dr. Stefan Feuer­rie­gel, Head of Germany, comm­ents: “We are plea­sed to have gained Bernd Dreier as a reco­gni­zed and expe­ri­en­ced colle­ague for our private equity prac­tice, espe­ci­ally in the finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons sector. In addi­tion, his expe­ri­ence in the insu­rance indus­try is an ideal match for the deve­lo­p­ment and expan­sion of our insu­rance prac­tice in Germany. With almost 10 part­ners and more than 10 coun­sel and asso­cia­tes working across the prac­tice groups Corpo­rate, Tax, Real Estate and Dispu­tes in the insu­rance area, we have an extre­mely powerful team in the German market.”

Bernd Dreier added: “I am deligh­ted to be able to support the Norton Rose Fulbright team with my many years of exper­tise in the future and, toge­ther with my colle­agues, to accom­pany the German private equity and insu­rance prac­tice on its way to the next stage of development.”

Bernd Dreier studied law at the Univer­sity of Passau and Macqua­rie Univer­sity, Sydney and holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Colum­bia Law School in New York.

About Norton Rose Fulbright

Norton Rose Fulbright is a global busi­ness law firm. With more than 4,000 lawy­ers in over 50 offices world­wide in Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Austra­lia, Africa and the Middle East, we advise leading natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal companies.

We offer our clients compre­hen­sive advice in all major indus­tries. These include Finan­cial Insti­tu­ti­ons; Energy; Infra­struc­ture, Mining and Commo­di­ties; Trans­por­ta­tion; Tech­no­logy and Inno­va­tion; and Life Scien­ces and Health­care. Our global Risk Advi­sory Group combi­nes this exten­sive indus­try expe­ri­ence with its exper­tise in legal, regu­la­tory, compli­ance and gover­nance matters. This enables us to provide our clients with prac­ti­cal solu­ti­ons to the legal and regu­la­tory risks they face.

The Swiss asso­cia­tion Norton Rose Fulbright helps to coor­di­nate the acti­vi­ties of Norton Rose Fulbright members, but does not provide legal advice to clients. Norton Rose Fulbright has offices in more than 50 cities world­wide, inclu­ding London, Hous­ton, New York, Toronto, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Sydney and Johan­nes­burg.

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