
Robus Capital secures majority stake in Hallhuber fashion chain

Cate­gory: Deals
9. July 2019

Munich / London — The ailing fashion manu­fac­tu­rer Gerry Weber has largely sepa­ra­ted from its subsi­diary Hall­hu­ber. British inves­tor Robus Capi­tal Manage­ment has acqui­red a majo­rity stake in the Munich-based fashion chain, Gerry Weber announ­ced. The fashion company from North Rhine-West­­pha­­lia, which is working on its own respon­si­bi­lity on its reor­ga­niza­tion in insol­vency procee­dings, will thus retain a stake of only 12 percent in Hallhuber.

The inves­tor had provi­ded bridge finan­cing of ten million euros for Hall­hu­ber in Febru­ary. In return, he had a purchase option gran­ted to him, which he has now exer­cised. Gerry Weber took over Hall­hu­ber in 2015 in order to tap into youn­ger custo­mer groups. The subsi­diary was long regarded as the Group’s biggest growth driver.

Invest­ment in online retail­ing and IT technologies
Hall­hu­ber announ­ced invest­ments in the areas of online retail­ing and IT tech­no­lo­gies. “Here we can build on the finan­cial support of our new majo­rity share­hol­der,” Mana­ging Direc­tor Rouven Anger­mann said, accor­ding to the release. Expan­sion is also plan­ned in the statio­na­ry­Pri­vate Busi­ness Cloud trade, he said.
The parent company Gerry Weber Inter­na­tio­nal had filed for insol­vency procee­dings in self-admi­­nis­­tra­­tion in Janu­ary — with the aim of restruc­tu­ring the company. Accor­ding to earlier infor­ma­tion, the restruc­tu­ring concept includes the closure of 146 stores and sales areas and the reduc­tion of 330 full-time jobs in Germany.

About Robus Capital
Robus Capi­tal Manage­ment is an asset manage­ment company with offices in Frank­furt and London. Robus invests in all areas of a company’s capi­tal struc­ture follo­wing a holi­stic analy­sis. The invest­ment focus is on debt instru­ments such as syndi­ca­ted loans, bonds, promis­sory bill loans and conver­ti­ble bonds from medium-sized issuers. Invest­ments can be made through both the primary and secon­dary markets, and invest­ments are also made in situa­tions that are very complex and require in-depth analy­sis. The regio­nal focus of Robus is Conti­nen­tal Europe and espe­ci­ally the German spea­king countries.

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