
Cybus receives seven-figure financing in 2nd round

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
13. May 2019

Hamburg — Cybus, Hamburg-based provi­der of Indus­trial IoT solu­ti­ons, has raised a seven-figure sum in a recent finan­cing round. The round was led by btov Part­ners’ Indus­trial Tech­no­lo­gies Fund. Seve­ral private inves­tors and successful entre­pre­neurs from the btov network as well as exis­ting share­hol­ders of Cybus were invol­ved. The capi­tal raised will be inves­ted mainly in expan­ding the sales, marke­ting and IT deve­lo­p­ment teams. Cybus is the second company to receive funding from the new btov Fund. This company specia­li­zes in indus­tri­ally rele­vant hard­ware and soft­ware solu­ti­ons in Europe. — Cybus was advi­sed by LUTZ | ABEL .

The Hamburg-based startup sells a soft­­ware-based IIoT gate­way solu­tion for mana­ging the flow of data between produc­tion machi­nes, enter­prise IT systems and exter­nal IoT cloud plat­forms. The “Connect­ware” product makes it possi­ble to effi­ci­ently connect machi­nes and entire facto­ries with one or more exter­nal cloud services. The solu­tion allows granu­lar defi­ni­tion of access rights to machine data and control of data flow. This allows both machine manu­fac­tu­r­ers (OEMs) and machine opera­tors to remain inde­pen­dent of the major IIoT plat­forms, build a future-proof IT/OT data infra­struc­ture, and comply with upco­ming cyber­se­cu­rity stan­dards such as the IEC 62443 stan­dard for indus­trial commu­ni­ca­tion networks. Photo Cybus, foun­ding team: Peter Sorowka (CTO), Marius Schme­ding (CPO) and Pierre Manière (CEO).

Cybus successfully enters the market
Leading indus­trial compa­nies such as SCHUNK or B. Braun manage criti­cal produc­tion data with Cybus Connect­ware. This enables them to map data from hete­ro­ge­neous machi­nery to a central seman­tic data model and bene­fit from highly scalable edge compu­ting capa­bi­li­ties to perform some of the data analy­tics “on premise” and directly in the factory.

Robert Gallen­ber­ger, Part­ner of btov Indus­trial Tech­no­lo­gies Fund, explains: “We have been watching the emer­ging IIoT infra­struc­ture market for some time. From our perspec­tive, Cybus’ product offe­ring and vision provi­des the most focu­sed response to the growing stra­te­gic tussle between machine manu­fac­tu­r­ers and opera­tors and the major IIoT plat­forms over access to machine data, control of data flow, and who ulti­m­ately owns the data.”

Consul­tant Cybus: LUTZ | ABEL 
Lead consul­ting attor­ney, Dr. Lorenz Jellinghaus.

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