
Munich — GSK Stock­mann can report an important step in the expan­sion of its FinTech and Legal­Tech advi­sory prac­tice. On Janu­ary 1, 2019, Dr. Tobias Rieth­mül­ler (39, photo), one of the experts on digi­tal finan­cing models from the very begin­ning, retur­ned to GSK Stock­mann as Equity Part­ner. He worked in GSK’s Frank­furt office until August 2015, after which he joined Schie­der­mair Rechtsanwälte.

Tobias Rieth­mül­ler is quali­fied as a lawyer and graduate econo­mist. He advi­ses clients in all phases of corpo­rate deve­lo­p­ment on corpo­rate and capi­tal market law issues as well as on corpo­rate and project finan­cing. Tobias Rieth­mül­ler has parti­cu­lar expe­ri­ence and exper­tise in the legal struc­tu­ring of digi­tal finan­cing plat­forms and stan­dar­di­zed issu­ance models. Since 2008, he has advi­sed over 40 natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal digi­tal finan­cing plat­forms on struc­tu­ring equity, debt and secu­ri­ties-based models. In 2015 and 2018, he served as a fede­ral expert witness on regu­la­tory propo­sals in this area. His work for finan­cing plat­forms also includes the design of IT proces­ses in compli­ance with super­vi­sory law and the auto­ma­tion of data­base-supported contract processing.

“We are very plea­sed about the return of Tobias Rieth­mül­ler to GSK Stock­mann. With his exper­tise in FinTech and Legal­Tech, we will be able to signi­fi­cantly broa­den our regu­la­tory and capi­tal markets exper­tise in the area of bank-inde­pen­dent finan­cing models,” comm­ents Max Wilmanns, spokesper­son of the Corpo­rate prac­tice group at GSK Stock­mann. “There is also enorm­ous cross-selling poten­tial with colle­agues from the banking/finance area, the IT/data protec­tion colle­agues and the Luxem­bourg office. Finally, Tobias Rieth­mül­ler can also support us in our own Legal­Tech projects.”

Tobias Riethmüller’s advi­sory focus is on the future indus­tries of inte­rest to GSK Stock­mann, namely FinTech, in parti­cu­lar digi­tal invest­ment brokerage, LegalTech/Legal Engi­nee­ring and PropTech. Due to his inten­sive networ­king in the indus­try as legal coun­sel of the Bundes­ver­band Crowd­fun­ding (BVCF) e.V. and foun­ding member of the German Crowd­fun­ding Network (GCN), Tobias Rieth­mül­ler is always invol­ved in regu­la­tory chan­ges and current market deve­lo­p­ments. “I am happy to be back at GSK Stock­mann and to be able to directly bene­fit from the exper­tise on regu­la­tory issues available at GSK Stock­mann,” commen­ted Tobias Rieth­mül­ler. “Over the past three years, I have kept in touch with GSK Stock­mann and have always worked with former colle­agues in regu­la­tory law, inclu­ding Luxembourg.”

Through his network, Tobias Rieth­mül­ler has direct access to inno­va­tive consul­ting fields such as crypto asset plat­forms and token issu­an­ces. “We will now be able to imple­ment these new areas of advice, which are charac­te­ri­zed by ever-incre­asing comple­xity, inter­na­tio­na­lity and digi­ta­liza­tion, espe­ci­ally in the area of regu­la­tory and capi­tal markets law, even better than before,” says Dr. Timo Patrick Bernau, Banking Part­ner and FinTech specia­list at GSK Stockmann.

For GSK Stock­mann, Tobias Riethmüller’s addi­tion offers diverse growth poten­tial. This applies in parti­cu­lar to the expan­sion of the network to include new clients who want to bene­fit from the inno­va­tive exper­tise of FinTechs, as well as the increased inclu­sion of secu­ri­tiza­tion models and struc­tu­red finance in coope­ra­tion with the Luxem­bourg office of GSK Stock­mann. The Corpo­rate divi­sion will parti­cu­larly bene­fit from Tobias Riethmüller’s exper­tise in the issu­ance of capi­tal market instru­ments in the equity, debt and mezza­nine areas and the legal and econo­mic struc­tu­ring of stan­dar­di­zed issu­ance models — also in the venture capi­tal area.

Dr. Tobias Rieth­mül­ler brings with him as asso­ciate Kath­rin Müller, a lawyer specia­li­zing in regu­la­tory and capi­tal markets law. With the two addi­ti­ons, the Corpo­rate prac­tice grows to a total of 20 Equity Part­ners, 8 Local Part­ners and 32 Associates.

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