
UCB sells UCB Internal Medicine to Paragon Partners

Cate­gory: Private Equity
31. July 2018

Mohnheim/ Frank­furt a. M. — UCB S.A. has sold its subsi­diary UCB Innere Medi­zin to Para­gon Part­ners. DC Advi­sory advi­sed UCB S.A. on the transaction.

UCB Inn ere Medi­zin (“Inter­nal Medi­cine”), which has been opera­ting as an inde­pen­dent busi­ness unit of UCB since March 2016, has been successfully marke­ting drugs in the field of cardio­vas­cu­lar and respi­ra­tory dise­a­ses in Germany for many years and is mainly known among gene­ral prac­ti­tio­ners and specia­lists in inter­nal medicine.

In line with its global stra­tegy, the sale of Inter­nal Medi­cine will enable UCB to focus on its core busi­ness in neuro­logy, immu­no­logy as well as bone dise­a­ses to provide the best solu­ti­ons for people with severe chro­nic diseases.

Para­gon Part­ners(“Para­gon”) will acquire Inter­nal Medi­cine and its entire staff of appro­xi­m­ately 200 employees and will operate Inter­nal Medi­cine as an inde­pen­dent company. Para­gon intends to conti­nue its successful busi­ness model and stra­te­gic orien­ta­tion, as well as to further deve­lop and expand its busi­ness. Inter­nal Medi­cine will operate under a new name, which will be announ­ced shortly after the tran­sac­tion closes. The company’s head­quar­ters will remain the “Crea­tive Campus” in Monheim am Rhein.

“I am convin­ced that Para­gon is the ideal choice to drive the deve­lo­p­ment of inter­nal medi­cine. I would like to thank the entire team for the work they have done at UCB and wish ever­yone every success in the new era as a comple­tely inde­pen­dent orga­niza­tion,” said Johan­nes Leuchs, Head of Estab­lished Brands UCB. “We are grateful for UCB’s contri­bu­tion to the success of inter­nal medi­cine. Now we look forward to joining the Para­gon family. This is an exci­ting oppor­tu­nity for Inter­nal Medi­cine and its employees,” added Karl­heinz Gast, CEO of Inter­nal Medi­cine. “We see great poten­tial for Inter­nal Medi­cine and look forward to the next stage,” confirmed Dr. Edin Hadzic, Mana­ging Part­ner at Para­gon. “We have confi­dence in Mr. Gast and his team and are exci­ted to conti­nue to grow the company together.”

Through its local presence in Europe, Asia and the US, DC Advi­sory was able to successfully orchest­rate a selec­tive auction process. “We are very plea­sed to have found a suita­ble part­ner for Inter­nal Medi­cine and wish Karl­heinz Gast and his team all the best for the next growth phase of Inter­nal Medi­cine,” expres­sed Dr. Wolf­gang Kazmie­row­ski, Mana­ging Direc­tor at DC Advi­sory.

Subject to anti­trust clearance, the tran­sac­tion is expec­ted to be comple­ted by the end of Septem­ber 2018. Both parties have agreed not to disc­lose details of the transaction.

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We advise our clients on all aspects of company acqui­si­ti­ons and sales. In addi­tion, we provide ongo­ing support to company owners and mana­gers in deve­lo­ping and imple­men­ting their busi­ness stra­tegy to help their compa­nies achieve opti­mal growth. Our exten­sive expe­ri­ence and indus­try know­ledge, as well as our sound judgment, provide our clients with real compe­ti­tive advan­ta­ges.

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