
Halder sells KLINGEL Medical Metal to IK Investment

Cate­gory: Private Equity
18. July 2018

Frank­furt a. M. — Halder Betei­li­gungs­be­ra­tung sells its shares in Klin­gel medi­cal metal to IK Invest­ment Part­ners. The medi­cal tech­no­logy company is the second exit from the port­fo­lio of the Halder Germany II fund. Shear­man & Ster­ling advi­sed LBBW, SEB and Siemens Bank on the finan­cing of the acqui­si­tion of KLINGEL, a manu­fac­tu­rer of high-precis­­ion compon­ents, by IK Investments.

As a machi­ning specia­list head­quar­te­red in Pforz­heim, KLINGEL deve­lops and manu­fac­tures high-precis­­ion compon­ents made of mate­ri­als that are diffi­cult to machine, espe­ci­ally stain­less steel or tita­nium in the highest quality and tech­ni­cal aesthe­tics, prima­rily for medi­cal tech­no­logy. KLINGEL manu­fac­tures products for various sectors and appli­ca­ti­ons, inclu­ding ortho­pe­dic, cardio­vas­cu­lar and dental implants, as well as instru­ments for endo­scopy and robo­tic surgery. Klin­gel medi­cal metal GmbH was foun­ded in 1986. — Helmut Klin­gel star­ted the company as a two-man opera­tion. Accor­ding to the company, it now employs 330 people and gene­ra­tes annual sales of 30 million euros.

The Shear­man & Ster­ling team led by part­ner Winfried M. Carli included asso­ciate Andreas Breu and tran­sac­tion specia­list Marina Kieweg (all Germany Finance).

About Shear­man & Sterling
Shear­man & Ster­ling is an inter­na­tio­nal law firm with 22 offices in 13 count­ries and appro­xi­m­ately 850 lawy­ers. In Germany, Shear­man & Ster­ling is repre­sen­ted at the Frank­furt office. The firm is one of the inter­na­tio­nal market leaders in advi­sing on complex cross-border tran­sac­tions. World­wide, Shear­man & Ster­ling prima­rily advi­ses inter­na­tio­nal corpo­ra­ti­ons and large natio­nal compa­nies, finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons, and large mid-sized compa­nies. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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