
Ambienta strengthens team with two new partners and CFO

Cate­gory: Private Equity
18. June 2018

Milan — Ambi­enta, Europe’s largest sustaina­­bi­­lity-focu­­sed equity fund, has announ­ced a number of high-level promo­ti­ons, inclu­ding the posi­tion of Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer (CFO) and two addi­tio­nal part­ners. Daniele Gatti (photo) is now Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer (CFO) and Gian­carlo Beraudo and Fran­cesco Lodrini, previously both prin­ci­pals at Ambi­enta, have been appoin­ted with imme­diate effect to Part­ners appointed.

Daniele Gatti, who joined Ambi­enta in 2012, has been instru­men­tal in insti­tu­tio­na­li­zing the company over the past six years. He played a signi­fi­cant role in two successful fund raisings as well as the deve­lo­p­ment of Ambienta’s best prac­tice guide­lines for report­ing to regu­la­tors, inves­tors, as well as ESG issues. In addi­tion, Daniele Gatti has been invol­ved in the closing of six successful secon­dary tran­sac­tions and two co-inves­t­­ment tran­sac­tions since joining Ambi­enta from the ‘Corpo­rate Finance and Tran­sac­tion Services’ prac­tice of the inter­na­tio­nal audit firm EY.

Gian­carlo Beraudo has been invol­ved in seve­ral Ambi­enta invest­ments since joining the company (2010). These include machine vision solu­ti­ons provi­der Lake­sight Tech­no­lo­gies, offshore services provi­der Foun­dO­cean Group, and indus­trial cooling systems company SPIG. Before his time at
Ambi­enta, Gian­carlo Beraudo spent three years at Rhône Capi­tal, an invest­ment firm focu­sed on mid-sized compa­nies in London, and two years at Bain & Company’s Milan office.

Fran­cesco Lodrini has been with Ambi­enta for seven years and has been instru­men­tal in seve­ral successful invest­ments. These include the manu­fac­tu­rer of profes­sio­nal clea­ning equip­ment IP Clea­ning, the specialty chemi­cals company
Calucem and the produ­cer of hydrau­lic compon­ents Safim. Prior to Ambi­enta, Fran­cesco Lodrini worked for three years at Barclays PE (now Equis­tone) and four years in London at Gold­man Sachs and Moni­tor Group.

The promo­ti­ons follow Ambienta’s successful start to 2018; for exam­ple, this year saw the sale of Oskar Nolte, a German manu­fac­tu­rer of envi­ron­men­tally friendly wood varnish systems, and the closing of the third fund at its maxi­mum limit of €635 million after less than three months of active marke­ting. The origi­nal goal
was 500 million euros.

Nino Tron­chetti Provera, Mana­ging Part­ner at Ambi­enta, adds: “We are plea­sed to announce the appoint­ment of Daniele Gatti as CFO and welcome Gian­carlo Beraudo and Fran­cesco Lodrini as part­ners at Ambi­enta. These well-deser­­ved promo­ti­ons are the result of your valued contri­bu­ti­ons to the success of our company and the
Evidence of their hard work and profes­sio­nal exper­tise. At Ambi­enta, we view syste­ma­tic employee coaching and deve­lo­p­ment as inte­gral compon­ents of our company’s growth trajectory.”

Ambi­enta is a leading Euro­pean private equity firm with offices in Milan, Düssel­dorf and London. Focu­ses on growth invest­ments in indus­trial compa­nies that focus on trends in envi­ron­men­tal tech­no­logy. Ambi­enta mana­ges the world’s largest capi­tal fund in this sector, with more than €1 billion
sector and has alre­ady comple­ted 26 invest­ments in resource effi­ci­ency and envi­ron­men­tal protec­tion across Europe. With indus­trial and manage­ment exper­tise as well as global indus­try cont­acts, Ambi­enta actively contri­bu­tes to the deve­lo­p­ment of its port­fo­lio compa­nies.

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