
Munich — In 2017, LfA Förder­bank Bayern supported compa­nies and muni­ci­pa­li­ties in the Free State with around 2.3 billion euros. Program-linked promo­tio­nal loans increased by around 6 percent to over EUR 1.7 billion. The increase is due in parti­cu­lar to very strong demand for start-up and growth promo­tion. This was opti­mi­zed last year and recor­ded an increase of around 14 percent. In addi­tion, the Energy Loan for Buil­dings, which was only intro­du­ced in mid-July 2017, was in demand with a commit­ment volume of over EUR 100 million. In total, more than 4,500 compa­nies and muni­ci­pa­li­ties bene­fi­ted from the funding offers.

“The economy in the Free State is in a good posi­tion. And to keep it that way, forward-looking invest­ments in our growth are neces­sary. This is where the LfA comes in, support­ing SMEs in their chal­lenges with a compre­hen­sive, flexi­ble and attrac­tive range of funding. This could be for digi­tiza­tion or a busi­ness succes­sion, for exam­ple. The funding figu­res for 2017 show that the offer has been excel­lently recei­ved and is very well tail­o­red to the needs of small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses,” said Bavaria’s Minis­ter of Econo­mic Affairs and LfA Board Chair Ilse Aigner.

Dr. Otto Beierl, Chair­man of the Board of LfAadds: “The 2017 funding year was very successful for us. We were once again able to expand our funding perfor­mance for Bava­rian SMEs. In the impro­ved start-up and growth promo­tion alone, we commit­ted loans tota­ling more than 800 million euros. The high demand for the Energy Loan for Buil­dings since its launch last summer also speaks for itself. These invest­ments in the energy effi­ci­ency of corpo­rate buil­dings bene­fit our envi­ron­ment and busi­nesses. Because they save money in the long term thanks to lower energy consump­tion and our repay­ment subs­idy of up to 18.5 percent.”

LfA has been the state-owned specia­list bank for the promo­tion of SMEs in Bava­ria since 1951. As a rule, the deve­lo­p­ment loans are applied for at the compa­nies’ prin­ci­pal banks and are gran­ted through them. In order to streng­then Bava­ria as a busi­ness loca­tion, LfA also supports infra­struc­ture projects.
Infor­ma­tion on finan­cing opti­ons is available from the LfA funding advi­sory service:
Phone 0800 / 21 24 24 0 (free of charge),

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