3 questions to smart minds
Photo: J. Giessler | ConLead

Strategies in performance management

For this 3 questions to Jan Giessler

ConLead Perfor­mance Manager
Photo: J. Giess­ler | ConLead
More Inter­views
16. July 2014

The success of a company does not depend solely on its stra­tegy, but above all on its imple­men­ta­tion. Perfor­mance manage­ment is desi­gned to ensure that a company achie­ves its goals and promo­tes employees in line with their objec­ti­ves. — Howe­ver, this process only works if compa­nies inte­grate many diffe­rent indi­vi­dual elements in a meaningful way

For this 3 ques­ti­ons to Mana­ging Direc­tor at ConLead Perfor­mance Mana­ger, Cologne/ London

1. Perfor­mance manage­ment and impro­ve­ment is not a simple topic. How do you go about gene­ra­ting value in your clients’ compa­nies? Which compa­nies are you approa­ched by?

Perfor­mance manage­ment or perfor­mance impro­ve­ment is a trend that we have been follo­wing for a while now. Compa­nies want to improve, even without neces­s­a­rily being in a situa­tion that makes the invol­vement of an exter­nal consul­tant indis­pensable. It is more the moti­va­ted stri­ving for impro­ve­ment on all levels within the frame­work of a conti­nuous impro­ve­ment process in which we support our clients in the long term. It is important to under­stand all the factors that influence our clients and to derive and improve the rele­vant value drivers. Indus­tries, custo­mers, and even entire markets are now chan­ging faster and more dyna­mi­cally than they did 10 or 15 years ago. In connec­tion with this, the value drivers of a company natu­rally shift as well. The art lies in reco­gni­zing this change, making it trans­pa­rent and alig­ning the chan­ged drivers with it. We help to imple­ment this change and ther­eby increase the value of our clients in the long term. Perfor­mance Impro­ve­ment is a topic we see in our client port­fo­lio across all indus­tries and company sizes, there are few compa­nies left that can resist this type of change.

2. They also advise in ‘Special Situa­tions’. What situa­tions are you most often confron­ted with? Where are most of the problems?

We refer to cases in which a company is confron­ted with a special situa­tion as Special Situa­tions. This can be an acqui­si­tion, a merger or even an acute restruc­tu­ring situa­tion. With our highly expe­ri­en­ced team, we are profi­ci­ent in all of these special topics, although we are very heavily invol­ved in restruc­tu­ring, parti­cu­larly in our home market of Germany. The situa­tion is diffe­rent for our U.S. site, where we provide very strong support for mergers between North Ameri­can and Euro­pean companies.

3. What are the key issues in cash flow impro­ve­ment? What problems do you notice more often?

When it comes to cash flow impro­ve­ment, it would be wrong to talk about problems. Rather, we usually find situa­tions in which the available opti­ons have not been fully exploi­ted. In many cases, this rela­tes to the manage­ment of the company’s own working capi­tal. The streng­thening of inter­nal finan­cing power can still be signi­fi­cantly expan­ded in most compa­nies. Based on our expe­ri­ence, we have deve­lo­ped our own product for this purpose, which streng­thens the inter­nal finan­cing power of compa­nies quickly and in a targe­ted manner and, even more importantly, secu­res these effects for the company in the long term via a CIP (conti­nuous impro­ve­ment process). Because all too often, good initia­ti­ves peter out again too quickly.

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