
Munich/ Frank­furt a. Main — Char­ge­Point has comple­ted the acqui­si­tion of has-to-be, a leading e‑mobility soft­ware provi­der in Europe. The soft­ware plat­form redu­ces comple­xity and frag­men­ta­tion of today’s Euro­pean char­ging infra­struc­ture land­scape and is compa­ti­ble with all char­ging stati­ons and e‑mobility services used in Europe. The acqui­si­tion of has-to-be streng­thens ChargePoint’s posi­tion in the Euro­pean e‑mobility market.

As recently as August 2021, the company acqui­red Viri­Citi, a leading provi­der of elec­tri­fi­ca­tion solu­ti­ons for e‑buses and commer­cial fleets with a custo­mer base in Europe and North America. Toge­ther with the acqui­si­tion of has-to-be, Char­ge­Point now has a compre­hen­sive solu­tion offe­ring for elec­tric fleets worldwide.

Char­ge­Point Holdings, Inc. was successfully advi­sed by the inter­na­tio­nal law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP (“Weil”) in the context of the appli­ca­tion for appr­oval under the Invest­ment Control Act to the Austrian Fede­ral Minis­try for Digi­ta­liza­tion and Econo­mic Loca­tion (“BMDW”) requi­red for the acqui­si­tion of GmbH. By submit­ting a compre­hen­sive appli­ca­tion, it was possi­ble to go through the parti­ci­pa­tion in the EU scree­ning mecha­nism within the mini­mum dead­line. The BMDW did not exhaust the subse­quent appr­oval period and gran­ted the reques­ted appr­oval without any queries.

Char­ge­Point Holdings, Inc. head­quar­te­red in Camp­bell, Cali­for­nia, opera­tes the world’s largest network of char­ging stati­ons for elec­tric vehic­les with a wide range of services in North America and Europe, and had announ­ced in July the acqui­si­tion of GmbH, a leading soft­ware and service provi­der in the field of char­ging battery elec­tric vehic­les in Europe, head­quar­te­red in Austria.

The Weil team was led by Munich Corpo­rate Part­ner Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt and supported by Part­ner Manuel-Peter Fringer (Corpo­rate, Munich), Coun­sel Florian Wessel (Corporate/Regulatory, Munich) and Asso­cia­tes Amelie Zabel (Corpo­rate, Munich) and Stef­fen Giolda (Corporate/Regulatory, Frankfurt).

About Char­ge­Point

Char­ge­Point is buil­ding a new char­ging network to move people and goods with elec­tri­city. Since 2007, Char­ge­Point has been commit­ted to helping busi­nesses and drivers make the tran­si­tion to elec­tric vehic­les with one of the largest EV char­ging networks and a compre­hen­sive port­fo­lio of char­ging solu­ti­ons. ChargePoint’s cloud subscrip­tion plat­form and soft­ware-defi­ned char­ging hard­ware are desi­gned to provide opti­ons for every char­ging scena­rio — from resi­den­tial and multi­fa­mily to work­places, parking lots, hospi­ta­lity, retail and trans­por­ta­tion fleets of all types. Today, a Char­ge­Point account provi­des access to hundreds of thou­sands of char­ging stati­ons across North America and Europe. To date, more than 98 million char­ging events have been comple­ted, with drivers connec­ting to the Char­ge­Point network every two seconds or less.

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