
Berlin — Circula GmbH ( successfully closed a EUR 12 million Series A finan­cing round. The VC fund Alstin Capi­tal, which is backed by entre­pre­neur Cars­ten Maschmeyer, as well as the VC funds Peak (Nether­lands) and Storm Ventures (USA) joined the finan­cing round. Invest­ments were also made by exis­ting share­hol­ders, inclu­ding Capna­mic, WenVest Capi­tal and Personio.

The Berlin-based soft­ware-as-a-service fintech is the first to combine fully digi­tal employee expense reports, digi­tal employee bene­fits and a smart corpo­rate credit card into one product.

Circula is deve­lo­ping a compre­hen­sive Employee Finance App that allows employees to digi­tally process expen­ses, such as out-of-pocket expen­ses and travel expen­ses, and employee bene­fits in a tax-compli­ant manner. In addi­tion, employees receive corpo­rate credit cards with real credit lines, cash backs and real-time state­ments that are fully inte­gra­ted with Circula work­flows. Circula soft­ware is opti­mi­zed for seam­less inte­gra­tion into accoun­ting proces­ses and complies with Euro­pean tax standards.

Thanks to the conti­nuous expan­sion of the product, the start-up run by the two foun­ders Niko­lai Skatch­kov and Roman Leicht has recently been able to signi­fi­cantly increase its custo­mer and reve­nue base. Circula’s appro­xi­m­ately 1,000 custo­mers include Ebner Stolz, DFL, McMak­ler, Infarm and Orthomol.

Consul­tant Circula : LUTZ | ABEL
The team consis­ted of Dr. Lorenz Jelling­haus, photo © LUTZ | ABEL (lead), Constanze Hach­mann and Maxi­mi­lian Franz (all VC, Hamburg).

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