
Zurich — Syz Capi­tal, the private markets invest­ment boutique, today announ­ced the acqui­si­tion of a majo­rity stake in SK Pharma Logi­stics, a provi­der specia­li­zing in the storage, hand­ling, repack­a­ging and distri­bu­tion of phar­maceu­ti­cal products. With the support of the Syz family and in close part­ner­ship with Satur­nus Capi­tal, Syz Capi­tal aims to drive the growth of this strong market leader and acce­le­rate its expan­sion to ensure the company conti­nues to soar.

SK Pharma is a family-run company based in Biele­feld, Germany, provi­ding services to phar­maceu­ti­cal compa­nies in Europe and world­wide. The indus­try leader specia­li­zes in phar­maceu­ti­cal, medi­cal, cosme­tic and dietary products. The company’s offe­ring covers the entire logi­stics value chain and provi­des complete solu­ti­ons for customers.

With a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28% over the last three years, the company can look back on remar­kable growth that exceeds that of the German health­care indus­try over the last ten years by a factor of seven. The company expects further growth as the regu­la­tory envi­ron­ment beco­mes more strin­gent and the indus­try as a whole is expec­ted to grow steadily over the next few years.

Marc Syz, Mana­ging Part­ner of Syz Capi­tal (photo), says: “We believe this is a unique oppor­tu­nity to help the family busi­ness expand its busi­ness and foot­print, both through orga­nic growth and acqui­si­ti­ons, and thus conso­li­date the rela­tively frag­men­ted sector serving inter­na­tio­nal custo­mers. With SK Pharma, we have indeed found another niche leader, a so-called “hidden cham­pion”, which offers a strong plat­form for future value creation.

The deal also illus­tra­tes the value crea­tion poten­tial for our clients’ port­fo­lios and how Syz Capi­tal is unlo­cking unique synergy oppor­tu­ni­ties in private equity and alter­na­tive investments.”

Syz Capi­tal is an invest­ment boutique specia­li­zing in private markets, offe­ring exclu­sive access to niche private equity and alter­na­tive investments.

Joscha Boehm, Mana­ging Part­ner of Satur­nus Capi­tal and Phil­ipp Schwei­zer, Part­ner at Satur­nus Capi­tal, who execu­ted this tran­sac­tion toge­ther with Syz Capi­tal, commen­ted, “We look forward to working closely with the foun­ders and the manage­ment team to further deve­lop SK Pharma in the coming years. We believe SK Pharma is extre­mely well posi­tio­ned as a well-mana­ged company to conti­nue to grow and gain market share.” Satur­nus Capi­tal is a private equity firm focu­sing on mid-market tran­sac­tions in the DACH region.

The acqui­si­tion repres­ents another important mile­stone for Syz Capi­tal in the family busi­ness sector. Both Satur­nus and Marc Syz will join SK Pharma’s board, which includes the Krone family and Phil­ippe Milliet, a former member of Galenica’s execu­tive commit­tee and vete­ran indus­try veteran.

Stephan Krone, CEO of SK Pharma Logi­stics GmbH, added: “In our view, Syz Capi­tal and Satur­nus Capi­tal, with their exten­sive expe­ri­ence in inves­t­ing in family busi­nesses, are the ideal part­ners to guide SK Pharma through its next growth phase and beyond, crea­ting value for our custo­mers and part­ners. They have a clear growth stra­tegy for the future. The manage­ment team and myself are looking forward to the part­ner­ship and to buil­ding SK Pharma into a major Euro­pean player in the logi­stics sector for the phar­maceu­ti­cal industry.”

About the Syz Group

Syz Group is a family-owned Swiss finan­cial group that focu­ses on good long-term invest­ment perfor­mance, robust risk manage­ment and perso­na­li­zed custo­mer service. In a family of entre­pre­neurs that has been successful for centu­ries, the company was co-foun­ded in 1996 by Eric Syz, who now runs it with his two sons and a team of indus­try experts. Stable and secure — the Syz Group’s equity capi­ta­liza­tion is almost double the regu­la­tory requi­re­ment in Switzerland.

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