Photo: Curt Gunsenheimer, Managing Partner IRIS Capital

$100 million funding round for Jedox

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
Photo: Curt Gunsen­hei­mer, Mana­ging Part­ner IRIS Capital
More news
12. Janu­ary 2021

Frei­burg — Boston — Singa­pore — Jedox, an award-winning provi­der of enter­prise perfor­mance manage­ment solu­ti­ons for busi­ness plan­ning and analy­sis, today announ­ced an invest­ment of more than $100 million from global venture capi­tal and private equity firm Insight Part­ners, along with exis­ting inves­tors Iris Capi­tal, eCAPI­TAL and Wecken & Cie. This majo­rity invest­ment by Insight Part­ners comes at a time when Jedox is expe­ri­en­cing rapid global adop­tion of its market-leading cloud solu­tion for finance executives.

The new round of funding will help Jedox acce­le­rate its custo­mer growth and global expan­sion while enhan­cing its robust plat­form for cross-depar­t­­men­tal inte­gra­ted busi­ness plan­ning, report­ing and analy­tics. In parti­cu­lar, the funds will be used to grow Jedox’s product inno­va­tion team, increase invest­ment in custo­mer support, and provide even grea­ter support to users in all major geogra­phic regi­ons. In addi­tion, 2021 marks the launch of indus­­try-speci­­fic solu­ti­ons. Toge­ther with Jedox’s dyna­mic part­ner network and stra­te­gic part­ner­ships, the scope of the solu­ti­ons will expand beyond finance and control­ling depart­ments to become a cross-func­­tio­nal “Exten­ded Plan­ning & Analy­tics” (xP&A) platform.

“In an incre­asingly fast-paced world, disrup­tion and uncer­tainty present both chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties for busi­nesses. Jedox modern cloud-based solu­ti­ons for scena­rio plan­ning, fore­cas­ting and mana­ging future value crea­tion enable our custo­mers to act even faster and outper­form the compe­ti­tion,” says Florian Winter­stein, CEO of Jedox. “Insight Part­ners’ invest­ment will further streng­then our unique EPM plat­form and momen­tum in the market and allow us to bene­fit from the exper­tise of a leading global invest­ment partner.”

Jedox offers the most advan­ced cloud-based budge­ting, plan­ning and analy­sis tools combi­ned with a fami­liar Micro­soft Excel-based inter­face. Jedox’s enter­­prise-grade “Finan­cial Plan­ning & Analy­tics” (FP&A) tools are speci­fi­cally desi­gned to acce­le­rate time-to-value for CFOs and finance execu­ti­ves. From moving exis­ting finan­cial proces­ses to the cloud to lever­aging AI and “advan­ced analy­tics” for more accu­rate and agile plan­ning, Jedox helps leading compa­nies stream­line plan­ning proces­ses at all stages of growth. Jedox has over 2,500 custo­mers world­wide, inclu­ding Amazon, McDonald’s Switz­er­land and ABB.

“Jedox offers a diffe­ren­tia­ted approach to finan­cial plan­ning through its flexi­bi­lity, fami­liar Excel-based inter­face and focus on the custo­mer,” said Jeff Lieber­man, mana­ging direc­tor at Insight Part­ners. “We are exci­ted to work with Florian and the entire Jedox team to bring outstan­ding cloud plan­ning tools to market leaders in all indus­tries around the world. Our onsite team, the largest ScaleUp engine in the indus­try, will work with Jedox to provide stra­te­gic scaling exper­tise.” Rachel Geller, Mana­ging Direc­tor at Insight Part­ners, and Henry Fran­kie­vich, Prin­ci­pal, will join the Board of Directors.

Jedox’s leading EPM plat­form opti­mi­zes value crea­tion and helps compa­nies move faster than the compe­ti­tion. Jedox public and private cloud offe­rings enable finance profes­sio­nals to effec­tively colla­bo­rate across depart­ments to simplify busi­ness plan­ning through a powerful Micro­soft Excel and Power BI compa­ti­ble inter­face, while bene­fiting from arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and advan­ced analy­tics. The tran­sac­tion is expec­ted to close in the first half of 2021.

About Jedox

Jedox simpli­fies plan­ning, analy­sis and report­ing with a unified and cloud-based soft­ware suite. Jedox supports decis­ion makers and busi­ness users in all depart­ments and helps them work smar­ter, opti­mize colla­bo­ra­tion and make infor­med decis­i­ons. Over 2,500 compa­nies in 140 count­ries use Jedox for plan­ning on the web, in the cloud, and on any device. Jedox is an award-winning provi­der of FP&A and enter­prise perfor­mance manage­ment solu­ti­ons with offices on four conti­nents and over 250 certi­fied busi­ness part­ners world­wide.

About Insight Partners

Insight Part­ners is a leading global venture capi­tal and private equity firm inves­t­ing in high-growth tech­no­logy and soft­ware scale-up compa­nies that are driving trans­for­ma­tive change in their indus­tries. Since its foun­ding year in 1995, Insight Part­ners has inves­ted in more than 400 compa­nies world­wide and raised more than $30 billion in capi­tal commit­ments through a series of funds. Insight’s mission is to find, fund and successfully part­ner with visio­nary leaders by provi­ding them with prac­ti­cal, real-world soft­ware exper­tise to drive long-term success. Through its people and port­fo­lio, Insight fosters a culture based on the belief that ScaleUp compa­nies and growth create oppor­tu­ni­ties for all. For more infor­ma­tion about Insight and all of its invest­ments, visit .

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